Are you the first member of La Revuelta?

Are you the first member of La Revuelta?

Are you the first member of La Revuelta?

La Revuelta has just been awarded the Premio Ondas You can win a trophy for having the Best Program to enter the TV category.

For example, its host, David Broncanocollect new awards in the curriculum: there are individual programs for the trajectory.

But the La 1 software team has one employee who has an award that none of them have: the Goya award. Y This is an actor Antonio Resines.

Antonio Resines and Broncano, 'La Revuelta'.

The history of flour is Spanish

En su longeva carrera en el cine, Resines has participated in dozens of films. He started his career in the late 80s and early 90s El baile del pato (1989), Cómo ser mujer y no morir en el intento (1991) he All men are equal (1994).

Hero of 1997 La buena estrella (directed by Ricardo Franco) donde interpretaba a un cuarentón castrado que acogía a una mujer tuerta (Maribel Verdu) and embarazada, con la que llegaba a casarse y que, años más tarde, daba cobijo también a su exnovio enfermo (Jordi Molla).

For his performance, he won the Goya Award for the best portrayal of a male protagonist this year. Al año siguiente was nominated in the same category for the film La niña de tus ojos; And in 2009, he was also nominated for Best Male Performance Celda 211.

Actors Antonio Resines and Concha Velasco at the Goya Awards 2006.
Ballesteros / Efe

A lot of experience

Antonio Resines has a long career in film and television In Spain, from the end of the 80s to the present day, he has acted in films and TV series.

However, you can find information about many products. He has been a contributor to some of the most prestigious television programs: Resistance y El Hormiguero.

Antonio Resines, 'El Hormiguero'.

Started in the Broncano program in 2018You can check out Pablo Motos' atención de llámó la atención.

The Valencian offered to join his program as a collaboratoral frente de la sección El Justiciero Resinesdonde, con un hammer y dos pulsadores (rojo y verde) decidía si la pregunta que le hacián Trancas y Barrancas le gustaba o no.

Although Movistar abandoned the Plus+ format, Resines returned to Broncano last seasonbut not as invited and cooperative.

He's back with the Broncano this seasonpero que dejaron claro neither the host nor the actor, como le ha cecedido a Valeria Ros, le han pedido exclusivity con una cadena o los spectadores volverán a ver a ver a Resines junto a Pablo Motos.

Antonio Resines 'La Revuelta'.