La The National Police managed to dismantle a pharmacy warehouse in Zaragoza this week thanks to the arrest of a 21-year-old boy. tráfico de drogas delito delito responsable como presunto. The beginning of the investigation of El Grupo de Traffic Minorista de Stupefacientes tras averiguar que en una vivienda del barrio del Gancho varias personas se estárando al trapicheo de stupefacientes.
According to Jefatura Superior de Aragon, to verify the authenticity of these confirmations, the agents set up a surveillance device around the aforementioned residence, observed a constant stream of people approaching it, stayed inside for only a few minutes and quickly left.
At one point, one of the traffickers opened the door to check on a shopper when he saw police and was quickly apprehended by agents to identify him and conduct a surface security search. Instante mismo, tras ellos alguien agarraba al citado comprador y cerraba de forma violenta la puerta desde dentro.
Pasados unos minutos, el comprador managed to leave the house, demonstrating to the agents. the person who stopped him escaped through the window and saw him throw some things on the roof.. Add immediately as a matter of urgency recuperaron una bolsa que contenía diversas sustancias estupefacientes, como hashís, cocaína y marihuanaas well as a large katana type white weapon. Hechos tales, this procedure is a la detención de la persona que había sido interceptada primero como presunta presunta de un delito de Trafico de drogas.
To comply with security regulations, pre-existing policies, after-hours instructions are preserved, and cargo is released for transportation.
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