El Cerebro humano. Desvaríos, Psicosis and possible cures…

El Cerebro humano. Desvaríos, Psicosis and possible cures…

El Cerebro humano. Desvaríos, Psicosis and possible cures…

At the University of Seville (USA), researchers from various centers in Spain, England, North America and Canada participated in the latest scientific study and identified important abnormalities in the brain maturation of people with psychosis. These are manifested in a decrease in the volume of gray matter in brain regions where the metabolism and concentration of neurotransmitters such as serotonin and acetylcholine are increased. This group of researchers analyzed more than 38,000 brain images of healthy people and more than 1,200 people with psychosis. They used an innovative normative model based on centiles, which allows for the detection of atypical patterns of cortical maturation by taking into account factors such as age, sex, and differences in the scanners used. He informed the United States in a press release. Results show that gray matter presents lower than expected brain volumes across the continuum spectrum of psychosis, from onset to chronic conditions. These are especially popular in patients with a clinical diagnosis. Téngase en cuenta que la psicosis is a general term used in psychoanalysis and psychiatry. It is a figment of the psychotic's imagination. There is nothing wrong with psychopathy. Neurobiological features such as cerebral metabolism and neurotransmitter concentrations have also been found to spatially overlap with these structural abnormalities, which may influence the development of the disease and its disorders. Attenuation of neurobiological factors, attenuation and attenuation of psychosis is being investigated. Future investigations help to increase the possibilities for prevention and tratamiento for neurodesarrollo trastronos. Researchers continue to explore the structural and neurobiological mechanisms responsible for these vulnerabilities, promising to advance the search for new forms of treatment and prevention in people at risk of developing psychosis. Vigilen sobretodo las diets are quite affordable. A new type of therapy, which involves applying a magnetic field to certain areas of the brain, has been shown to be effective in rapidly treating depression in patients who have failed standard treatments. An electromagnetic coil, known as repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (EMT), is placed laterally on the scalp, which transmits a high-frequency magnetic field to the brain. It has been estimated that 20% of adults worldwide suffer from depression… Current antidepressants and cognitive behavioral therapy (treatment therapy) are ineffective and ineffective. One of the characteristics of depression is the underactivity of some regions, such as the dorsolateral prefrontal context, and the hyperactivity of others, such as the orbito-frontal context (CMO). Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation applied to the left side of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, an area located in the upper frontal part of the brain, has been approved by NICE and the EU in England for the treatment of depression. by the FDA. Antes se showed improvements in patients after 20 sessions, but they lasted between 25 and 30 days, which did not work well for everyone, especially in acute cases or when someone was suicidal… In a study published in Psychological Medicine, cientificos de Cambridge, England and Guiyang in China tested the effectiveness of an accelerated form of EMT. Treatment with this was carried out up to 20 sessions, but on 4 days for 5 consecutive days. También se aplicó un campo magnético va lado derecho del CMO, debajo del cortex prefrontal dorso lateral. Participants 75 Pacientes del Segundo Hospital Popular de la province China de Guizhou. Severity of depression was measured using a scale known as the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale for each of the three groups: left, left, and simple during the 22 minutes the experiment lasted. It is a simple brain production. Professor Valerie Voon, director of the English group, de Psiquiatría de la Universidad de Cambridge, explained: in this way, the number of participants in the study can be reduced, which allows us to conduct sessions for only 5 days and quickly reduce the symptoms of depression. Find the graves, try to commit suicide, go to the hospital. The treatment was more effective in patients who showed greater connectivity between the OFC and the Thalamus, which is in the center of the brain and is responsible for consciousness, sleep, and alertness, among others. La hyperactividad en la depresión por el castigo (example) ayuda ayuda obvious porqué la depresión muestra un sesgo hacia waitativas u actos negativos. According to Dr. Yanping Shu, del Centro de Salud Mental de Guizhoo, Guiyang, China, this treatment shows rapid improvement in patients with major depression. El Dr. Fudan University's Hailun Cui points out that the treatment of treatment-resistant depression is still the most difficult to focus on mental health. Drug treatment, psychotherapy y… you can't give any answer, because you can't create the tomb of angustia, the mayor can commit suicide. It can be used for treatment with maintenance therapy. Otros con opciones cómo la stimulación transcraneal por corriente, deform non invasive, con impulsos electricos debiles, pudienza administrar en casa… Now we promise to investigate which part of the Orbitofrontal cortex is more effective and for which type of depression. . DANA has a new city with many sufridores in Spain and Valencia. Pueden ser muchos los Afectados… De Antonio Quirós Abadia. Naturalist.