- Amenazó a los partners que no gasten más
- Spain, Final % PIB for Defence
- Podemos, ERC, Bildu… contra un mer gasto militar
- The Compromisos de Sanchez were not fulfilled
- Israel, Ukraine, Rota…
“Trumpista” is an adjective that Pedro Sánchez has used several times in public to attack the Popular Party and Vox, identifying them as international “reactionary” and part of the ultra-right movement, which will be the president-elect of the United States. as their maximal referent. Ideologically the main differences, The Spanish government will have a republican administration before the United States for the next four years.
When Sánchez came to the Presidency of the Government in June 2018, he was the president of a first world nation. Donald Trumpbut the 2020 final is a democrat Joe Bidencon el que the most más comodo to the Spanish president y con quien quiso estrechar lazos.
You have confirmed Trump's Victoria, analyzed Changes in US strategic priorities in foreign policycomo puede ser la posición dentro de la OTAN.
The most premiere of Casa Blanca is the President of the Republic. los socios europeos de la Organización del Tratado del Atlantico Norte increases public investment in defenseInstead of trusting that US military power would cover them in the face of any threat.
Amenazó a los partners que no gasten más
In the four years since Biden ousted Trump at the end of his first term, the former Republican president has made headlines. Many criticisms of OTAN.
In February of this year, Trump proposed a meeting connection A supposed conversation he had with “uno de los Presidentes de un País Grande” de la OTAN during his presidency of the United States of America. There is no connection.
Trump called on all alliance partners to increase military spending. According to the mandatory plan for the scenario: ¿Qué ocurriría si no subían la inversión publica en defense? Will Estados Unidos seguiría undertake to defend its own state and fight against Russia?
“No, nothing”He noted that Trump is the president. “Never, nothing. You have to pay. Tienes que pagar tus deudas”.
Spain, Final % PIB for Defence
The statements caused a great scandal and rejection both in the Biden government, NATO and some governments. Compliera or not este órdago, lo cierto es que La Hostilidad de Trump signals español a España.
El Secretary General of NATOel holandés Mark RutteDonald Trump con felicitó este wercoles message en el que destacó que “el presidente Trump un fuerte ledidos americanos durante su prime mandato, un mandato que demonstrated cambió el rumbo del gasto de defense europemejoró la distribución de la carga transatlántica y fortificación las capacitas de la Alianza”.
He added that “when President-elect Trump takes office on January 20, he will be greeted by a stronger, bigger and more united alliance.” Two-thirds of allies currently spend at least 2% of GDP on defense“.
Spain is no base De todos los países members que gastan al menos el 2% de su Producto Interior Bruto en Defensa. Indeed, Provide up-to-date information on partners with OTAN military personnel Located in Spain en el último lugar in the chart Investment in defense and PIB interest.
Out of 31 countries, NATO calculated that in the middle of this year, in 2024, Spain will invest in the defense sector. 1.28% of GDP, Behind Slovenia and Luxembourg (1.29%), Belgium (1.3%), Canada (1.37%), Italy (1.49%), Portugal (1.55%) yr Croatia (1.81%).
Son ocho los países que no alcanzan el 2% of PIB in military spending, NATO's goal Celebrate Estado and Gobierno to celebrate Gales In 2014no era Donald Trump, President of China Barack Obamademocrat and also Premio Nobel de la Paz.
Of all of them, Spain has the worst percentage of military spending in GDP. Despite the budget increases approved by the government of Pedro Sánchez in recent years For a compromise of 2% for Alianza Atlántica.
Podemos, ERC, Bildu… contra un mer gasto militar
Antes y justo después de la The NATO summit will be held in Madrid in 2022and in a context where public opinion is highly sensitive to the Russian invasion in the early months of the war in Ukraine, Sánchez dio el paso de announce to the public The government's commitment to gradually increase the defense budget with reviews a Alcanzar un gasto del 2% del PIB hasa 2029numbers are getting closer to that goal every year.
Destination goal of Defensa and otro obstacle Complicated relationship with Pedro Sánchez with PSOE with Gobierno-ahora partner summerants Unidas Podemos– y con los otros partidos que conforman la “investment majority” y que le permanente sacar adelante en el Congreso de los Diputados los proyectos de ley y los Presupuestos Generales del Estado.
In the 2024 budget, the government planned to reach 1.3% of GDP in military spending. Criticisms, Podemos dura, Sumar liked. Budgets were not presented and the Council of Ministers approved them Add credit for defense calculated in millions que ya causaron una brecha entre el PSOE y Sumar, que critic most public ese mayor gasto.
Without budgets for 2024, Spain will not be able to reach the 1.3% of the progressive path planned by the President of the Government, while NATO forecasts will remain at 1.28%.
Sánchez faces pressure in the opposite direction. In summary, but with caution Podemos (now outside the Government and therefore with fewer restrictions), Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya, Euskal Herria Know… my son The best public budget for defenselo que que conditionina las negociaciones de los Presupuestos Generales del Estado.
La Discussion of the 2025 budget This will be crucial for the continuity of the Government after it is extended from 2023 to 2024 this year. At the same time, the compromise with NATO does not accept new delays because there have been previous violations.
The Compromisos de Sanchez were not fulfilled
Cuando apenas llevaba un mes en La Moncloa, Sanchez traveled in Bruselas July 2018 To participate in the summit of NATO heads of state and government. In that meeting, Trump He despachó with great enthusiasm against the defense of Alemania. A few days before the summit, the US president gave a mandate Letters to Angela Merkel, Pedro Sánchez and Justin Trudeau (Prime Minister of Canada) Exigerles que gastaran más for Defensa.
Because the pressure was effective Sanchez then declared: “Este Gobierno assumes la hoja de ruta marked en anteriores cumbres por anteriores gobiernos.” 2% was calculated in 2024“.
Margarita Robles reconoció meses después que This compromise was inevitablealgo que confirm the end Until 2024, Spain is protected by 2% PIB for defense.
Defense investment by NATO countries is not Donald Trump's lone obsession, but one For debate in Unidos. in the US Congress, representatives of republicanos criticized Spain As one of the partners of the Atlantic Alliance, which spends less military aid on Ukraine, it also spends less.
A lot of politics and choosing students to balance the essay, to come to this conclusion European countries prefer to spend public money elsewhere and allow the US to invest in a strong military presence in NATO..
El enfado es transversal entre démócratas y republicanos, pero Trump en la presidencia supone less flexibility and more stiffness En la exigencia de que los allies que menos gasstan en defensa, entre ellos España, eleven deforma importante el gasto en defensa.
El tiempo corre en contra de españa, porque I think El 2% or no techo, china and smally Estados Unidos y tros países que sí cumplen They are talking about 3% or 4% of PIB You have a purpose for OTAN.
Israel, Ukraine, Rota…
Military spending will be one of the sticking points, but it may not be the only defense issue separating the new Trump Administration from Pedro Sánchez's government.
In addition, they consulted with the Spanish Confidential Digitalque prognosis Changes in US priorities.
For the United States, más candentes los dos concreto que esperan afecta más concreto: Ukraine y Oriente Proximo.
These provisions are consistent with Trump's policy Provides military service to Israel in the war he waged on several fronts: against Hamas in Gaza, Hezbollah in Lebanon, against Iran, against the Yemeni Houthis…
Not in the United States anyway Ukraine supplies weapons. On the other hand, Trump showed himself Partidario de enda con guerra acuerdoes acuerdoes of Russia de Vladimir Putin. However, Biden's commitment to continuing the Ukrainian resistance with continued arms shipments only makes the hole worse. public deficit y deuda que arrastra Estados Unidos.
It is protected by none other than Donald Trump Aid to Ukraine will remain in the hands of European countries.
The conflict in the Middle East is relevant because the military sources consulted indicate that the electoral bases that gave Trump a victory support the Israeli position and the US position in the United States. Gobierno de Sánchezque Reconoció el Estado Palestino y que se apoya en Partidos que no han condemned the attacks by Hamas.
Essentially differences in ideology and vision of geopolitics and geostrategy They will not favor relations between Spain and the United States in matters of international politics and defense.
Other than that, no problem. The military alliance of both countries will protect the common lines. For example, Trump announced in 2019 A new strategy of anti-missile defenses que quote Rota naval base as a strategic point.
The deployment of U.S. Navy destroyers in Rota was later increased from four to six with Biden. However, there is nothing in the environment: for the estudiantes for the Caditana es una base It is located in Europe, Africa and the Mediterranean Seayou too There is no change in the president's policy.
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