Belen Esteban takes another step forward in his career. The famous tertuliana registró His name is August It can be a manufacturer television series or launch a series of products, incl Cosmetics, vehicles, jewelry, furniture and kitchen products.
Sign up August 28y por ese trámite Esteban desembolsó 1,950.36 euros.
Durante una la gala de last appearance LOS40 Music AwardsBelén Esteban sorprendió al proponer a Juan Jose Bayonathe famous film director who will take the reins of the television project.
The proposal has created excitement and interest in the entertainment industry. Bayona is known for his ability to transform emotional stories and successes.
Entrevista en 'El Hormiguero'
In a recent interview with Pablo Motos “El Hormiguero”Belén Esteban has shared exclusive details of his planes.
“Or I llamado dos platforms y un potenta manufacturer, but no time today. Produced by Jefes, Óscar y Adrián, Como Georgina.“, he continued to develop his opinion produces the series go to original date.
The employee explained that this is not a short-term project, it will be an ambitious and extensive plan:I want at least 60 episodes and a few seasons, there are a lot of things people don't know about me, good things and others not so much“. This emphasizes that the series will explore both the most unknown aspects of his life, as well as other moments that are known to the public.
Pablo Motos asked him curiously. “¿De qué hablarías tantos capítulos?”.
Sin titubear Belén Esteban answered: “Querría también hablar de mi infancia, I come from a very humble family, my father was an artist and my mother was a cleaner in college.” Me crio una monja y tengo unos valores que me inculcaron muy fuertes”.
Interest in the sector
Confidential Digital He contacted several producers to see if anyone would be interested in the project.
One producer comments that “era una buena idea, que ojalá lo pudieren hacer ellos“.
It shows that the interest in telling the life of Belen Esteban is real and that even though the project is in its early stages, potential to convert to format success on television.
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