Correction of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to facilitate access to electoral acts

Correction of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to facilitate access to electoral acts

Correction of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to facilitate access to electoral acts

  1. It operates in Europe
  2. Internal facilitators
Regarding the election (Photo: Joaquín Corchero / Europa Press / Contactophoto).

Las actas de lassecciones presidentales que se celebraron en Venezuela On July 28, they were the subject of a dispute between the Chavista regime and the opposition, as both claimed victory. Nicolas Maduro say y Edmundo Gonzalezrespectively.

It must be used properly to perform official functions. Legal as a resulty también servirían para conseguir espado international Maduro or Gonzalez.

Mesa, colegio for colegio, también buscan revisarlos algunas personas y groups to present the results publicly. Spainwhere it has been freed from various political sectors in recent years “pucherazo” denuncias y sospechassi bien con bastante poco eco.

Confidential Digital He consulted on five contracts Junta Election Center It was adopted on October 17 at the meeting on the citizens' access to the acts of the elections held in Spain.

It operates in Europe

Las cinco acuerdos tienen su origen en otros tantos recursos que interpuso la asociación Election Transparency Observatorytrying to access the election results documents.

Junta Electoral Center “Before Administration” recurríó los casos recurrió ante la todos los casos recurrió ante la “contra la presunta denagación por silencio administrativo” de juntas electorales de su quest de Enter the meeting during elections conforms to las European Parliament elections say June 9, 2024.

Los accuerdoes recurso relativos a Alicante, Albacete, Badajoz, Burgos y Santa Cruz de Tenerife.

Each decision has different matrices, to be able to refer to the records of the European elections in June before the Electoral Transparency Monitoring Group's appeals for the decisions taken by the provincial electoral councils.

For example, the Junta has data for the Electoral Province of Albacete.Se ha remitido a la interesada en soporte digital las actas de constitución y actas de escrutinio Cera, actas de escrutinio General General revision of the European Parliament elections on 9 June 2024. He stated that the process for the timely transfer of election documents to the Provincial Archives will be repeated after the transfer is confirmed.

Internal facilitators

Most notably, however, the five agreements include a similar clause 3, which sets out an action against the Ministry of the Interior, the department responsible for organizing elections:

— “La Junta Electoral Center, en su reunion celebrada en el día de hoy [17 de octubre]agreed interior ministerBy applying the provisions of Article 13.2 of LOREG Take the necessary measures as soon as possible, que los ciudadanos que lo deesen puedan tener acceso de forma simple y efectiva a las actas de mesas electoral adoption of digitization procedure or any other measure deemed appropriate in every election process”.

Hay que señalar que Resources destimatorios destimatorios todos acuerdos fueron Observatorio for Transparencia Electoral, different motives: it acts as an authorized consultant, including the correction of any request.

In addition, the Junta decided to request the Election Center from the Ministry of Internal Affairs Create more opportunities for citizens who want to obtain documents de las mesas electorales en lassecciones que se se se se celebran en nuestro país.

The application takes place in a “simple and effective form”: the Junta Electoral Center notes that it can be achieved. digitization”, mediate those medidas similar.

You can continue little 2020 That the Central Electoral Board agrees to authorize a certain person, so that upon his request the Secretariats of the Provincial Electoral Boards can assist: poder consulcier las General election acts on November 10, 2019.

Mesa election in Málaga in the European elections of June 9, 2024 (Photo: Álex Zea / Europa Press).