The coalition government and its political partners are gearing up for a vote that is due, according to their calculations. alcanzar los 178 votes needed To nominate members of the new Board of Directors of RTVE at the Congress of Deputies. After the first vote on Tuesday, in which some MPs were absent or recorded errors in their televoting, everything seems to indicate that the Executive will get enough of a majority this Thursday to adapt to the governing body of public television.
The first vote did not reach the expected votes The absence of Yolanda Díaz, the second vice president of the government. There is an opposition to this Absence of two representatives of CompromísDemonstrating anger at the government for forcing a full DANA session in Congress in Valencia. This time, it is hoped that they will support the Executive Power in the final vote.
Los once consejeros elegidos
En la lista de los once nombres Select the congress for destaca Jose Pablo Lopez Sanchezthe current director of TVE Content who has presented himself as the most likely candidate to become the new president of the Corporation. This appointment would be the culmination of one amplio acuerdo politico Junts include the participation of various parties such as ERC and PNV, as well as government partners PSOE and Sumar.
De los once appoints consejeros, Five were proposed by the PSOEentre los que sobresalen perfiles con un perfil bastente politizado. As it is Esther de la Mata Ahedountil now the head of communication of the Ministry of the Presidency minister Félix Bolaños. Also, Angélica Rubio, director of El Plural and former CEO of Coordinación Informativa, was appointed to the position in 2004 by José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero.
Most profiles for practice and general public Mercedes de Pablo CandónWho developed a large part of his career at Canal Sur and Canal Sur Radio and has a history as PSOE councilor in Seville City Council. Likewise, Rosa Leon CondeIn Madrid, the socialist council of Antigua and a well-known singer, he received professional training at the Cervantes Institute.
You can be represented in independent social networks Sergi Sol and BrosOriol Junqueras was the Catalan government's communications director when he was vice president. This is the usual TV3 y en tertulias, cuenta con una A connection with the PSOELo que que facilitaria la interlocución con el team de Pedro Sánchez. A su lado estará Mikel Calçada OlivellaKnown as 'Mikimoto', in 2015 Junts pel Sí fue candidato un histórico de la television catalana.
En la list también figura Mariano Muniesa de Cavedaas a journalist specialized in music and a regular contributor to the Internet Diario Red, Podemos. Encuanto a las propuestas de Sumar, se encuentra Marta Ribas Frias y Maria Teresa Martin del JazzContact RTVE syndical. Set parte del, ha sido for PNV Maria Roncesvalles Solana Aranajournalist and former candidate for the Parliament of Navarre.
With this list, the new Consejo de Administración de RTVE presents an aparente balance of interests An example of the complexity of the consensus reached to reform the peak of public television, which includes the regional sensitivities and policies of the government and its partners.