It's called “Boom” from Christian Gálvez: Mediaset without any innovation

It's called “Boom” from Christian Gálvez: Mediaset without any innovation

It's called “Boom” from Christian Gálvez: Mediaset without any innovation

Called “Boom” by Christian Gálvez: Mediaset without any innovation.

Mediaset has decided not to update 'Boom'Produced by Mediacrest, which is directed by Christian Gálvez and has been on the air for just two months at parrilla de Cuatro. According to sources inside Confidential Digital, the format, which seeks to consolidate the channel's evening entertainment offering, will not continue to air after the end of recorded programmes.

Currently, no replacement has been decided to replace him in the chain's rescheduled programming for that time slot.

Among the possible options to replace 'Boom' is a program that it presents Produced by Jesús Cintora and Quarzoque iba a tener un enfoque politico y se emitiría por las tardes. Sin embargo, the end of the project finally descartado, tal como adelantó Yotello que underraya la insertidumbre sobre cuál será la siguiente apuesta de Mediaset. There are other spaces of a political nature.

The 'Boom' Mediaset commode was introduced Recover from Antena 3constructed in five tests. In the program, two teams of four participants take on the role of defusers of bombs. With tools like ingenuity and strategy, the contestants had to go through each round to collect the money. The ultimate goal was to take the assembled boat to the end of the program.

Despite the proposal and the experience of Cristian Gálvez as a presenter, the program did not achieve the expected effect in terms of viewers. It peaked at 4% and debuted with a 2.1% sharepor lo que no ha complido con las expectations

Search Silence for 'Boom' se mantiene abierta and the direction of Mediaset has not yet announced what its next offer will be to cover the gap left by the program in the Cuatro grill. The final decision submitted for discussion will be the basis for defining the profile of the chain's strategy.

Called “Boom” by Christian Gálvez: Mediaset without any innovation.