Of course, I could be useful to a person. For example, pistachios, zinc content Vitamin EQue es muy beeficiosa para la piel is a great candidate for vitamin A, además de Phosphorusque fortalece los huesos, y potassiumwhich improves muscle performance. There is no continental cholesterol, which reduces the rise of the cardiovascular system, which is rich in vitamin E, Folic acid and phytosterols. Better vision health because it contains xanthophyll lutein, the main plant pigments and components along with zeaxanthin. pigmented macula (PM) in the human retina. En la Escuela Friedman de Ciencias de la Nutrición and Política de la Universidad de Tufts, Massachusetts, EE. UU., a new research study recently found that consuming pistachios a day can improve eye health macular pigment optical density (MPOD) retina humana, dueto al pigmento plant luteína, un clave factor en la protección de los ojos contra la luz azul (visible) and relacionado con la eda damage. El ensayo controlled aleatorio ha demonstrated that eating 60 g of pistachios per day for three months resulted in a significant increase in MPOD in adults aged 30 to 45 years compared to a normal diet. MPOD shows retinal protection and is associated with a small risk age-related macular degeneration (AMD)Since the 60s, it has been one of the leading causes of blindness Tawmy Scottis a clinical neuropsychologist and researcher and lead author of the study. Lutein in pistachios plays a key role in maintaining eye health as it filters out blue light and acts as an antioxidant in the human eye. En EE. UU. It has been shown that the consumption of pistachios is very low, so it is recommended to increase the daily consumption due to the need for lutein among the participants of a certain study, since low intake of this compound was noted. Solo 6 semanas de pistachio consumption, se observaron mejoras saludables. Su fuente de grasa saludable showed the necessity of lutein thanks to plant pigments, conocidos como xantofilas. In addition, it benefits brain function because it reduces oxidative stress and possible inflammation while crossing the blood-brain barrier. In a selective form in the brain, lutein plays an important role in reducing cognitive impairment, which is crucial for its uptake. improve cognitive performance, memory and processing speed. This makes pistachios a valuable addition to a diet aimed at healthy aging in general. Strengthens defenses to relieve colds and even pain.
Por cada 100 g, los pstachos contienen 562 calories, 45 g total fat, 6 g saturated fatty acids, 1 mg sodium, 1,025 mg potassium, 28 g carbohydrates, 10 g dietary fiber, 8 g sugar, 20 g protein and vitamin C ( 5.6 mg), iron (3.9 mg), B6 (1.7 mg), magnesium (12 mg) and calcium (10 mg), among other antioxidants, contribute to adelgazar. La Pistachio vera is a small tree that grows in the mountains of Syria, Turkey, Iran and western Afghanistan. Existing plantations and a large number of interested and commercial were successful. This fruit is known as “pistachio” or “alfonsigo” depending on the country. It contains a lot of collagenlo que puede evitar arrugas y mantener la piel suave. Pistachios are an excellent source of calcium, superior to milk and yogurt, which is essential for people with lactose intolerance. Pistachios provide 100-180 mg of calcium, and milk provides 142 mg of calcium. Goodbye Fundación Española de Nutrition (FEN)this remarkable contenido de hierro, superando a las recognisas lentejas. De acuerdo con la World Health Organization (WHO)15% of the world's population, especially pregnant women, children and the elderly, suffer from iron deficiency anemia. Los pistachios are a strong alternative. Sin embargo, the best padecimiento debe tener for renales, ya que el potassium y el phosphoros son dieliminar por los riñones, lo que que podría problemas.
Pistachio varieties include female Kerman, Larnaca, Peters and Red Aleppo. Fecundar include Las masculinas, Peters, Randy and Kerman (the most common variety), which produce pollen for las flores femeninas. El Sirora es pequeño is beige, elegant and pleasant. El Golden Hill is relatively new, with a dense and sweet taste and light beige skin. El Lost Hill is very popular in California, EE. UU., y está un salutío snack, de sabor dulce y agradable aroma. To do this, follow the instructions. El Castell is ideal in climate zones, frosts until the end of April and the fruit is large and round.
As for nuts, they are dry fruits that are always compared to the human brain due to their internal morphology, hard shell and brain organ-like folds. It should be taken into account that every minute that passes without blood flow to the brain, about 2 million neurons die and a person can have a stroke. There are top picks for a wide variety of variety shows. According to a study of 7,000 people between the ages of 50 and 90 in Spain, those who consumed 50 g of nuts three times a week reduced their mortality to 45%. The consumer gets worse with many antioxidants and radicals to fight.
A studio run by James Joseph and Su group at Universidad de Tufts, EE. UU., la salud de las neuronas has been shown to have an effective benefit. favors neuronal communication and the formation of new brain cells. Another study carried out by the Institut d'Investigació Sanitaria Pere Virgili (IISPV) showed that eating nuts helps the cognitive development of adolescents, contributing to their psychological development. These nuts are rich in alpha-linoleic acid (ALA), a type of Omega-3 essential for brain development. According to the study, teenagers who ate nuts for 100 days in a row increased their ability to focus in school. Its vitamin and mineral content is significant, including polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamin E, Omega-3, folic acid (reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease), and aids memory and school learning.
Las nueces son fruto de los árboles del género Juglans regia, especially la nuez persa, italiana or english. Calories, grasas, acidos grasos, sodio, potassium, hydratos de carbon, fiber, azucares, proteins, vitamin C, hierro, B6, magnesium, calcium, zinc and phosphorus, other useful substances, Regulate intestinal transit, fight cholesterol and control appetite control brain changes and affect mood. En ciertos países, la denominan “hormone de la felicidad”. You can consume 45 g daily, which can be very high in calories. Las más conocidas son las de California, que son de major tamaño. La pecana es alargada, con cáscara delgada, dulce y mantecosa. La de Castilla is spread throughout Europe due to the abundance of walnuts in Spain. La macadamia, originalaria de Australia, se distingue por su fruto blanco, ideal para dulces, con un sabor suave y cremoso. Las nueces trituradas también pueden pueden consumirse “bebida de nuez”, en gelados or de la forma que se fiera.
Finally, in an interview with Parade media, el Dr. Kevin Rabil, a cardiologist at Memorial HermannAn analysis showed that daily consumption of 45 g of almonds can reduce cholesterol levels thanks to the vitamin E, B, magnesium, calcium, monounsaturated and unsaturated fatty acids, fiber, phosphorus, iron, zinc, potassium, riboflavin. , thiamine, niacin, and folate. However, eat the highest calorie foods of almonds.
Antonio Quirós Abadia. Naturalist.
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