“Mentalidad de jubaz” in the 400-kilometer Marina in Ukraine

“Mentalidad de jubaz” in the 400-kilometer Marina in Ukraine

“Mentalidad de jubaz” in the 400-kilometer Marina in Ukraine

Infantes de Marina arrives at Brasov airport in Romania (Photo: Estado Mayor de la Defensa).

Las Fuerzas Armadas suman more missions from abroad. La Marine Infantry ha completed el despliegue en Romania More than 200 soldiers and about 40 pieces of equipment are integrated into the multinational battalion of NATO, which leads France.

Esta forma, Spain fulfills its mission refuerzo del flanko este de la OTANigual que lleva años contribution al batallón alliedo en Latvia Combat Leopard vehicles along with hundreds of Earth Army soldiers, Pizarro infantry combat vehicles…

El Estado Mayor de la Defensa, in charge of operations abroad through the Armed Forces Operational Command, reported a few days ago that Brigade de Infantería de Marina 'Tercio de Armada' Contrasting with the impressive hundreds, Piranha and VAMTAC (based in San Fernando, Cádiz), the Spike is an 81mm meter-sized vehicle.

Be aware of the website, El Estado Mayor de la Defensa added four photos to illustrate the point. Three of the photos show the arrival of Marina's babies and their accompanying outfit aeropuerto de Brasoven Rumanía, adonde llegaron a bordo de un Air Force A330 aircraft que había despegado desde la naval base de Rota (Cadiz).

La cuarta photography aparece rotulada como “Reception of the commandant in the Romanian camp”. Los militares españoles se lojan en el Campamento 'General Berthelot' in the base de Jincuin Romania. En la imagen se ve a tens de militaryes atender la charla de ese comandante, quien se apoyó en Projected presentation on screen de grandes dimensions.

Included in the presentation Escudo de la Infantería de Marinaand a logo combining the flags of Spain and NATO.

El tema del que parece ser que estaba hablando ese mando era la “fighting mentality”. Basic transparency, pedía que los militares tuvieran basic mentality “todo el personal”. en todo momento“y”actively during“. Traduce en la with this “fighting mentality”. continuous improvement of physical capabilities, combat attitude and communication“.

El mando trasladó algunos mensajes en esas dirección: “Saca el mejor partido de lo que tienes”, “Adaptate: terreno, clima, situación”, “Fighting vs. Fighting: Aggressiveness and Resilience”.

The Cincu base is located in the center of Romania, one of the four NATO countries border with Ukraine (Tambien Slovakia, where hundreds of Earth Army soldiers are stationed).

Solo 400 kilometers Cincu del territorio ukraniano, el A hot point of friction between NATO and Russiathreats returned after the outgoing American president authorized Ukrainian forces to use US-supplied missiles to attack targets inside the borders of the Russian Federation.

Like the missions in Latvia and Slovakia, the deployment in Romania has a primary purpose disuasorio: For this, gather thousands of soldiers from various NATO partners in Eastern European countries Make Russia show better aggression contraindications will give an immediate and joint military response de los allies.

Los Soldiers desplegados passan los meses de spliegue realizado frecuentes ejercicios en campos de maneuveralo que permit mejorar la relación con las fuerzas de otros países allados.

Unless there is an attack from Russia or a similar military incident, the military actually participating in these missions in Romania, Latvia, Slovakia… no están expuestos a un peligro constante de recibir ataquescomo sí puede ocurrir por ejemplo when there are armed conflicts on the march (the case of Lebanon, with Israel's attack on Hezbollah) or when there are rebel groups or terrorists attacking international troops (as happened in Afghanistan, even in Lebanon) ).

Therefore, the presentation on the “Mentalidad de juba” adopted by the Marina babies when they arrived in Romania caused some comments. Hay quienes en las Fuerzas Armadas for resumen de la siguiente: “Son infantes de Marina, so son”concerta sorna, como si esas forma de comportarse, de mentalizarse en la misión, fuera characteristica de este cuerpo.

A Navy infantry truck and an Air Force aircraft at Brasov airport in Romania (Photo: Estado Mayor de Defensa).