Don Pedro Sánchez Pérez-Castejóndurante el G20 en Brasil se ha compromido en destinar 60 million de € The organization called Ronda de inversiones de la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) empowers this institution for the new challenges that lie ahead. In addition, the regala is worth 400 million, ¡un placer! Regulations relating to the Canary Islands Mauritania, Senegal and Gambia. Sanchez and the president of the European Commission visited there to prevent illegal immigration from the EU based on gifts from millionaires. Ursula von der Leyen210 million euros and Sánchez made concessions worth 300 million euros. Mauritanian President Mohamed Ould Ghazuani calculates the millions he owes to ask Sánchez and the EU for coast guard costs because immigrants from Mali, Senegal and the Gambia arrived in the country.
En agosto pasado bought Mauritania, Senegal and Gambia 500 million de € para evitar los cayucos que no paran de llegar a Canarias. It is better to do this. Celebrate in Las Canarias They promised 72 million euros for the disasters of the volcano and did not arrive. Además de la prometida ayuda para mantenimiento de los immigrants que siguen llegando. No, these three African countries have been promised aid for the construction of vehicles and equipment, similar to what was given to Morocco… Sanchez said they agreed on fishing. 4,150 tons of crustaceans on Spanish ships. El ultimo acuerdo con Mauritania en esta materia fue en 2021, por 6 años para 68 barcos, de Canarias, Galicia, Andalucía y los Basques, pero se rectificó por 5 años y, con más exigencias to 2020, to 290m, up 57,500,000 de € up to 16,500,000… El acuerdo con Guinea Bisáu caducó el acuerdo con la UE y España, así que problemas… El pasado 2023, España importos agroalimentarios de Mauritania por € 309,500,000 de €, España is importos agroalimentarios de Mauritania por de €, España is export of agroalimentarios de Mauritania por. cereals, pastels, dairy products and eggs… Aparte tenemos desde hace años en la UE el debate del voto A part after 16 years.
En España, quienes más presionan son los jóvenes del PSOE y suss del gobierno. Igual que ya lo hacen en Austria, Germany, Malta and Belgium. Greece since the age of 17. Spain has the best terms: Son los mil de Africanos and tros menores no companados, que nos llegan Containamente (MENAS) que el Sr. Sanchez says they have to live without missing anything – they assume they will be guilty. ¿Sabrán and quién hacerlo? As for the Minister of Health, Dona Mónica García GómezAll immigrants from Africa will need to request a fuller sanitary filter or cradle, as we see the joy they receive. Any problems between patients with Sin Saberlo virus. Aproposé, Sra. Minister of Health, el Methylphenidate is the main activity of various medications for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).que niños y adolescentes son los usuarios de estos farmácos, manyas familias tienen problemas para encontarlos, sobre todo en La Coruña, estando en listas de espera and diales pharmacies…
The Nigerian campaign continues Mpox vaccineconocida como la viruela del mono. It is the third African country to try to immunize its residents, after Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Where did this virus start?… Oropouche virus (OROV) has no information. The incubation period is 3 to 10 days, with symptoms appearing within 3 or 7 days, although 40 to 50% of patients remain asymptomatic… Davidson H. Hamer, Medical Examiner for Infectious Diseases, Boston Medical Center de EE.UU. ha publicado en Annals of Internal Medicine which could be changed by OROV, which could pose a threat to the world community. It has proven to be sexually transmitted… Los Centros de Control y Prevención de Enfermedades (CDC) de EE.UU. information 90 cases of North Americans returning from Cuba… Salud a nivel 2 was released in Cuba, in which case precautions were taken in case insects bite a tourist. No vector-borne virus can be transmitted Zikabecause it was detected as OROV in the sperm of a 42-year-old Italian traveler returning from Cuba. Advertising ads are not allowed for the OROV detector. It does not take doctors and vigilance to be careful about vertical, sexual, physical and environmental transmission. OMS announced special medicines for infants on 21-XI-24. There is nothing adequate… For adults, drugs over 10 years old are quite equivalent.
El día mundial del niño was celebrated, but unfortunately con mil de ellos enfermos… Anticancer drugs, prescriptions for 20-year-olds, methadone and algunos tranquilizers, que están acercando ser muertes can be eliminated. Sincerely, there is a problem for immigrants. Very guilty documents and mintiendo. En Mallorca – que ya no caben – en el Parlamento Balear, a petition de Vox de accordo con el PP, el martes 19-XI-24, se ha decidido hacer idónea las pruebas en las dentaduras, con radiographías y la Fiscalía permission Consellería de A cabo llevarla via Salut. Estas pruebas pueden costar unos 700 €, y cuidar a un menor – que tal vez no lo es – está costando a la administración pública Más 7,300 € monthlymente, mucho más de lo que que milia. Ortopantomogrfia reciben reciben radiographías reciben, con una exclusiva maquina. The problem with Carpio radiography was found to be wrong in 5 moments, indeed effective.
Sean menores acogidos sean menores conseguirá que los menores acogidos, viento que estén con adultos consecuencias inesentientesler. Como es costumbre, los de izquierdas, Mes for Mallorca and PSIB-PSOE no lo acceptan, dicen que “This is a frontal attack against human dignity.”. España 3 años, con trabajo, domicilio y reagrupación need to meet. Just 2 years, the whole family should be blamed for the nationalization of the Spaniards! Inclusion, Social Protection and Migration Minister Elma Sanzand Extranjeria Reglamento el nuevo, que será a partir de Mayo. Minimum: 250,000 people in Spain are checked by order of immigrants, the Bienestar state… Regardless of the Ministry? ¿Tendremos que esperanzados? because Gobierno del Sr. Sanchez announced that he will start 6 autonomous projects worth billions of euros with European funds…
De Antonio Quirós Abadia. Naturalist.
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