- Police, Guardia Civil, CNI and Mossos
- “Actuaron con la finalidad de que no fuera detenido”
- La Fiscalia requested the archive
- Querrellados “en virtud de su cargo”
- There is no sign
Carles Puigdemont appeared in Barcelona on June 8, the day of the plenary session of the Catalan Parliament to install Salvador Illa as President of the Generalitat Government.
El ex-president volívo a pisar territorio español casi siete años después de que marchara a Belgica to avoid being detained and sent to a temporary prison at the end of October 2017 when the separatist majority of the Parliament declared the independence of Catalonia.
La incógnita de si finally se atrevería a pisar Cataluña se mantuvo hasta el final, como también si llegaría in Barcelonasi aterrizaría en helicopter junto al Parliament o se colaría en el edificio de alguna otra forma, si trataría de pronunciar un discourse…
Arco del Triunfo, Barcelona, Lluís Companys, espera que los Mossos d'Esquadra continued to arrest him, en virtud de la orden detención que mantiene sobre Puigdemont el. magistracy instructor del Tribunal Supremo Pablo Llarena.
However, the former Catalan president and his associates were able to capture the agents deployed on the ground. Puigdemont disappearedlos mossos le perdieron la pista, y end volvoi a fundir imágenes suyas en Waterloo (Belgium).
The Supremo High Tribunal and las Fuerzas de Seguridad desató una fuerte polemic. El juez Llarena, although he knew that he could be seen at a specific point in Barcelona, after the Ministry of the Interior, which seized Carles Puigdemont, ordered to investigate the escape. a una hora y un día was announced earlier.
Supremo Penal del Tribunal da respuesta a querella de un private ya una denuncia de la entity Hazte Oír (the famous accusation in the trial of Begonia Gómez) detención que pesa sobre Puigdemont against Pedro Sánchez and several officials of the Security Forces and even the CNI for not carrying out the order.
Police, Guardia Civil, CNI and Mossos
The supremo's answer is negative, which is the main initiative of the court. On October 28, Hazte Oír denuncia de un admitió la queerella de un auto, que fueron acumuladas en un único caso. The car's speaker was Judge Andres Palomo del Arco, who formed a chamber with Criminal Chamber President Manuel Marchena and Judges Antonio del Moral, Vicente Magro and Susana Polo.
A person filed the first complaint on August 9, a day after Puigdemont was seen in Barcelona and disappeared.
He believed that he has committed a probable crime of failure to fulfill the duty to pursue the crimes provided for by Article 408 of the Criminal Code. Señaló is a service for various cargoes and public cargoes, ministers of the interior and presidents.
Denounced on August 14, 2014, on the contrary Fernando Grande-Marlaska prevaricación delito delito.
El Supremo collected both querellas, but for the signals of other loads: Pedro Sánchez, del Gobierno president; Fernando Grande-Marlasca, Minister of the Interior; commissario director José Ángel González Jiménez, director of auxiliary operations (DAO) of the National Police; Leonardo Marcos, Director General of the Guardia Civil; Esperanza Casteleiro, director of the National Intelligence Center; Pere Aragonès, President of the Generalitat de Cataluña, even as this flight was being carried out; Joan Ignasi Elena, General Manager of Internal Affairs; y Eduard Sallent, los Mossos d'Esquadra commissario.
Call attention, for example señalado que de la Policía of the DAO National Policy, como responsible operation but no director general and responsible policy, Francisco Pardo Piqueras, y en el case de la Guardia Civil el qullante lo ciera wrels director general, Leonardo Marcos , no counter-director to the operation, General Manuel Llamas.
“Actuaron con la finalidad de que no fuera detenido”
Según se recóge en el auto del Supremo, “D. Carles Puigdemont desde el mismo momento que pisó territorio español suggests una omisión deliberada del Sr. Grande-Marlaska explains the apparent political interest of the Spanish government in not arresting Sr. Puigdemont, because the government's own members suggested that his arrest could revive the political and social tensions in Catalonia that the government wants to prevent.”
Hazte Oír's actions are included in the crimes of not fulfilling the duty to prosecute the crimes provided for in Article 408 of the Criminal Code; prevarication, Article 404; Rejection of execution of court decisions in accordance with Article 410; Refusal of assistance to the Department of Justice, Article 412; Concealment under Article 451; and Article 508 usurpación de attributions judiciales.
“La queerella expresa que ello puede puede si demodoloso or very indifferent, el president del Gobierno, minister of the interior, la Policía Nacional operation, director general of la Guardia Civil, director of the Centro Nacional de Intelligence, president of the Generalitat de Cataluña, Conseller de Interior de la Generalitat de Cataluña y el comisario jefe de los Mossos d'Esquadra”, que Hazte Oír understood that they are responsible for implementing automatic processing, “Article 408 of Carles Puigdemont According to Article 408, the final decision of the perfect palmariamente delito delito de misión del deber detenido finaliad de que que don”.
La Fiscalia requested the archive
The Teniente fiscal del Tribunal Supremo, Maria Ángeles Sánchez Conde, released a report on both allegations, stating that she believes that participation in the arrival in Barcelona and the escape of Puigdemont “is the reason why the alleged persons, tanto aforados como no. aforados, se hace radicar en la misma en los cargos ostentados por los querellados”.
Reprochó that this charge of committing the specified crimes “was opened from the authorship in his case without presenting any evidence, without presenting any element of intervention on the same side of the facts. conspiracy” , sin, se insiste, dato alguno”.
As a result, the archive declared that there was no participation accreditation for any judicial investigation. There are only two from the list of cases brought to the Supreme Court: the president of the government and the minister of the interior.
Querrellados “en virtud de su cargo”
The Criminal Chamber of the Supreme Tribunal accepted the contest for the instruction and prosecution of the case, because “there is no doubt that the president of the government and the minister of the interior indicate a state of conviction for prevention in the article. 57.1 .2º de la Ley Orgánica del Poder Judicial”.
Supremo interestingly quoted when deciding whether to accept the claim 1 year ago automaticallyde la misma sala, por el que inadmitió una queerella contra la presidente de la Comunidad de Madrid, Isabel Díaz Ayuso; la consejera de Familia, Juventud y Asuntos Sociales, y otras personas; la alcaldesa, concejales y algunas trabajadoras del Ayuntamiento de Pozuelo de Alarcón.
Díaz Ayuso and others were flagged by the European Anti-Corruption Organization for “alleged discriminatory treatment and transphobia by the Community of Madrid and the City Council of Pozuelo de Alarcon regarding the dumping and dumping of minors”.
At the end of August, the High Supremo decided to “Reconsider the process of compliance with the information of the Ministry of Fiscal, and it was not returned in any way.
“Effecto, parece que la denunciation se extienje a tal persona exclusiva en virtud de su cargo”, which is considered a high tribunal, “fans are controversial, controversial, delictivos for reputation”. You can make no effort, because it is checked by description of behavior”.
Criticó “la anorxia argumentativa respect de la implicación de la aforada” criticism, which “leads to the rejection of the denunciation prematurely”. penal violation”.
There is no sign
Supremo Segunda del Tribunal Supremo, ese fundamento con el que chazó la querella contra Díaz Ayuso es “plamente proyectable” and las querellas contra Sánchez, Grande-Marlaska and different distinct responsors del del del del CNI, la Policíloss, la Policíaioss. Squad.
This is Puigdemont's “uniquemente for la huida de las querellass, “uniquemente se description of los responsabilites has inherentes a los diversos cargos numbers, but no specific permeability is no uncertain part. Sólo se habla de un resultado, la no detención del Sr. Puigdemont, according to the current rules, you can achieve the highest achievements for the integration of different levels of politics.”
Critica el Supremo que la denunciante “afirma meremente” que le “conviene” al Gobierno que no se produjera el arresto de Puigdemont, lo que le le le le le “sugiere” que existió la denounced. “There is no accountability when the court is accountable.”
Por eso los magistrados acordaron inadmitir la denunciation y querella, y decretar el archivo de las actaciones por no ser los fechos attributed to los forados, Sánchez y Grande-Marlaska, constitutivos delito, “inadmitir la denunciation y querella” reiterar respectively denunciation y querella frente a otras personas ante el organo competent”, because the Supremo is not competent in the querella against the various officials cited from the Civil Guard, the National Police and the Mossos. D'Esquadra and the Centro Nacional de Intelligence.
El juez Llarena sí que remitíó a los juzgados de Barcelona informs los que había pedido buy Minister of Internal Affairs y de los Mossos sobre la huida, al entender que se podría haber commeto delitos de misión del deber de perseguir delitos, y de encubrimiento por parte de funcionarios.
Llarena understood that “Asso a expresarse en el informe autonomico la difficidad de abord la detención del processado en el seno de la agglomeration de personas a la que se se se incorporó, y pese aa expresarse en el informe autonomico la difficidad de abord la detención del processado en el seno de la agglomeration de personas a la que se se incorporó, y pese a posses a la que posses of the action of three individuals””, Llarena understood that,” the reports do not reflect the obstacles to the police device being able to respond to the detection of the riot process in transit to the point where it joins the gathering of people waiting for it, nor the impossibility to effectively address its subsequent follow-up and coverage. , hasta el punto de que se materializó su fuga del territorio national”.
However, Barcelona has been investigated, there are no era Supremo powers. hey varios mossos d'Esquadra Research, advance news, cooperation for the political plan of Puigdemont scapara del dispositivo.
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