Guindilla and Pablo Iglesias condemned Ana Rosa Quintana for leaving their covid-related residences.

Guindilla and Pablo Iglesias condemned Ana Rosa Quintana for leaving their covid-related residences.

Guindilla and Pablo Iglesias condemned Ana Rosa Quintana for leaving their covid-related residences.

La Audiencia Provincial de Madrid ha, upheld the ruling that deprived Pablo Iglesias of the right to rectification of comments made about him on the Telecinco program by host Ana Rosa Quintana during the 2021 Madrid election campaign. the decision to be responsible for the management of seniors' residences at the beginning of the pandemic Covid. In the decision, it is considered that the presenter's words constitute an opinion and cannot be amended.

The Audiencia points out that Quintana's comment has a factual basis, since Iglesias, then the second vice president of the government and minister of social affairs, together with the minister, spoke at a press conference on March 19, 2020, after declaring the state of emergency. de Sanidad – Salvador Illa – to announce that it has taken over the coordination of the management of the social services of all Spain.

Sentence Condena a Iglesias al pago de las costas del recurso de apelaciónMediaset España Comunicación SA and Conecta 5 Telecinco SAU confirm the cancellation of the claims in their entirety, while keeping the objections in effect.

This court decision is a precedent on the limits of the right of correction in Spain, drawing a clear distinction between the correction of false facts and the violation of law. pretensión de rebatir commentes o juicios de valor It was expressed in the communication media. In addition, it strengthens the protection of freedom of expression in the context of political debate and journalistic criticism.