- No, there will be interruptions
- Ábalos and Koldo, a different situation
- Purpose: Trust the accusations of deception
- Maximum apoyo and los señalados
- Congress to strengthen the party en las autonomías
El Partido Socialista cierra filas. The reaction of Secretary General Pedro Sánchez, es Contact alarm management Posted by Víctor de Aldama.
This includes Santos Cerdan, Secretary of the Employer Guaranteed Organization. delivered an envelope containing 15,000 euros at the bar Socialist situado en frente de la sede in Ferraz, Madrid. “Geolocalicen los phones or it coincides [con Aldama]”, Cerdan el Jueves assured.
In addition, a cualquier member sprinkled with a declaration before the juez del empresario, en la cúple socialist account, It would be danto como to bring the full truth to the charges of deception before public opinion.
Cerdan, Sánchez's right-hand man in the party, has been one of the most powerful men since the departure of former minister Ábalos, who replaced him as PSOE's number 3 in the summer of 2021. que también podia alcanzar a Cerdán, La declaración de Aldama buried this possibility.
No, there will be interruptions
Fraud declaration no hará que la dirección tome decision alguna. What a good sign. Una reaction is very different a la que se tuvo con Ábalos.
Fuentes socialistas obvious que entonces lo que hubo fue una trial court, con pruebas, la que lvívo a la cupula a apartar al exsecretario de Organización. But now es el testimonio —por ahora, sin pruebas que lo acrediten— de un empresario, Nazirio de Transportes, Koldo García in the worst months of the pandemic, was linked to a corruption scheme in which he allegedly paid tens of thousands of euros in commissions for the sale of masks to the executor of Ábalos.
Ábalos and Koldo, a different situation
For PSOE and depreciation Bir Ábalos como al que fue su asesor en el Gobierno. The judicial investigation, todavía en fase de instrucción, revealed that Aldama maniobró para Compare with the robe at La Línea de la Concepción de Cádiz.
An investigation should then be conducted Ábalos por haber easy for material sanitario al empresario to take revenge possible.
Objective: Trust the accusations of deception
Ferraz announced the appropriate de-expulsion for the ex-secretary of the organization. Now the situation is different. Right now, Cheating there is no blame. PSOE cannot own any objective film Reject the statements made by the employer Execute y cualquier cese daría pábulo a lo que en Ferraz considers “falsadedes”.
The direction of the party is trying to avoid as much as possible that the accusations made by the alleged corruptor of 'Caso Koldo' affect the 41st Congress celebrated this weekend and is committed to deliver all the confirmations in que Aldama. Altos covers the load of socialists—with the exception of Koldo García and José Luis Ábalos— may not sir demostradas.
Maximum apoyo and los señalados
Although Sánchez foresees some changes in the PSOE executive for this congress, The situation has changed. Cerdan was not one of the members with separate papers. Continúa teneido la confianza de Sanchez and the chairman of the government cree en su inocencia.
Otros cargos señalados como el ministro de Politica Territorial, Ángel Víctor Torres —Aldama assures that Koldo le pidió money for him— and alto cargo de Hacienda —he also accuses of receiving money in black clothes— They were also supported by the executive head.
Congress to strengthen the party en las autonomías
You are talking to PSOE Socialist aspirations cannot be changed. Films can be made for one shipment.
Maria Jesús Montero, Minister of Hacienda, lleva seis años en el Ejecutivo y This is one of the leaders of the PSOE company. También se apuntó la posible salida de Pilar Alegría portavoz del Gobierno, después de un año, en el partido estiman que ha sufrido un desgrace importante que tuvo su puto algido con la reforma de la transposición europea que redujo la pena de 43 etarras.
If it's good ha quedado en nada It is a priority for the PSOE Restore or reconfirm territory management y en ello centrára el 41º Congreso. Aragon, Community of Madrid, Castilla y Leon and Extremadura son algunos de los melones que térran que abrir los socialistas a partir de los fin de semana. First-class autonomies and federations As expected, he will face Ferraz over the general secretariat of the territories.
In the case of Madrid or Castilla y Leon, there is the idea of a socialist dome Alternatives to impulse names You can meet Luis Tudanca together with Juan Lobato There are no options in shipping areas. In Aragon, Javier Lamba's strength is still capital, and in the Executive, they thought to lead the project, more precisely in Alegria, but it suffered after wear and tear. Ya no se moestun tan partisans.
Anyway, declaration of Deception no change: Appoint Reelegir and Sánchez as general secretaries and start an internal process to secure territorial leaderships that begin to build an alternative to the PP for the 2027 autonomous elections.
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