Corruption and espionage

Corruption and espionage

Corruption and espionage

Francisco Paesaestafador y espía, protagonizó en los años 90 uno de los episodios más estrambóticos relacionados con la corruptionción in the period of the government Felipe Gonzalez. After a long life devoted to business beyond our borders, even subduing leaders and international espionage, he became embroiled in one of the most scandalous cases of his time. Luis Roldan, Director General of the Guardia Civila quien delató a la justicia española por el price de un milliono de libras esterlinas, es decir más de 244 million pesetas.

I'm ranking it by recent events that are equally popular. Victor de Aldama. The requirements are certainly nothing, but they do not cause any problems, in parallel entre estos dos personajes que después de treinta años, si hubieran coincidedido durante su lucrativa actividad colincidedido durante su lucrativa actividad delictiva, sectiva delictiva. Rinconete and Cortadillopersonajes cervantinos decados al robo y pillaje.

Nothing would surprise me more than the whole congregation if the infamous activity of Luis Rolda, who scandalized Spanish society with his punch to the benemerito body of the Civil Guard, meant the beginning of the end of Felipe González's socialist government. About the corruption revealed by Victor de Aldama in his impressive judicial declaration. The President is waiting for youI could also assume the free fall of the protagonist of the most destructive and corrosive phase of democracy established in Spain after the Franco regime.

Cicero sostenía que “The public service of goods for personal gain is not immoral, a Chinese crime, and abominable.”this dramatic es que nada parece haber cambiado desde aquellos ya lejanos tiempos. Spanish society, and Valencian society in particular, is criminal, disgusting and deeply unjust as a result of tragic events that have caused great political debate. de la corruption y de los milliones de euros que hayan podido ir parar a los bolsillos de ministers y dirigentes politicos fruto de su suisive e immoral behavior.

The problem and difference is the corruption of this Government It polluted all institutions Por el afán totalitariano de su Presidente y lo que es peor aún al mismo sistema democratica con el risego de su destabilization added: “El despot is always looking for means to destroy institutions, for this it is enough to subject them to his will”. Estas palabras del insigne diplomatic y escritor Salvador de Madariaga Today, claridad el preocupante momento por el que atraviesa nuestra democracia is described.

Sociedad en su conjunto quien debe rebelarse y comprometerse personal y colectivamente en combatir y eradicar el corrosivo de la corruption eradicar el corrosivo de la corruption eradicar y económica que nos invade. El Pope FranciscoAs members of the Gobierno visited and admired by algunos, lo recuerda en una de sus alocucciones: “Corruption is one of the most crippling wounds of the social fabric because it causes serious damage from both ethical and economic points of view… it reduces the trust, transparency and credibility of the entire system.”