- The covid vaccine
- Huelga de focus primaria
- La polemica de las obras
- Support of amts
- Claims and challenges for the future
- Ethics and professional deontology
Presidential elections Madrid College of Physicians (Icomem), to be celebrated on December 17, ignited intense debate in the heart of the profession. The current president Manuel Martínez-Sellesblames the leftist association Amyts de querer transformarlo en un “sindicato”. water candidate, Thomas MerinaGet information openly in the organization Health Minister Monica Garcia.
Martínez-Sellés, catedrático y jefe de Cardiología del Gregorio Marañón, won the 2020 elections, displacing the previous board of directors, and has defended the vision of the College, which he defined as “independent and scientific”, since his presidency.
Llegó al puesto plena pandemia, en un momento en que el Colegio had to reinvent itself adapt to the needs of the sanitary system.
The covid vaccine
Segun cuenta el Presidente a Confidential Digitalin those early months, the college turned itself into a vaccination center and ran it. Over 150,000 doses. No holds barred, as the health emergency wore off, his leadership came under fire from professional sectors who blamed him. Very close to Madrid Health Council Administered by PP.
Una de las principales polemicas que ha marcado estos años es Financing this vaccination campaign. During the health crisis, the Madrileño Health Service allocated 450,000 euros to the school to pay for the improvement of its facilities.
Martínez-Sellés que este apoyo fue defends “reasonable and necessary”Lose stocks for professional sanitation a mile a mile vaccination. The embargo of guilt can provoke such relations, saying that they question the independence of the organization from the opposition. conflict of interest.
Huelga de focus primaria
Episodio que más tensions generó fue, sin embargo, Primary care and pediatric vacation in 2022. Una parte de los profesionales organized a sobre todo under the umbrella of Amyts, denouncing the excessive burden of aid and demanding improved working conditions.
According to the unions, doctors could not devote enough time to patients and give them the attention they deserve. In this context, the College issued a notification pedían que se desconvocaran los paros Madrileño (can be treated for consultants and patients).
Aunque el Presidente ha insisted en que la postura del Icomem fue fue, y en que siempre han apoyado “justes vindicaciones”, this episode was a reason deep malestar Together, “insufficient” autonomy is considered propuestas.
La polemica de las obras
A estos conflikos se suma el gasto de las reformas acometidas en las sedes del Colegio. Under the leadership of Martínez-Selles, the junta approved the complete reconstruction of the main office on Calle Santa Isabel, as well as another building located on Calle Esparteros. The total cost of the works exceeded them Five million eurossomething that the opposition qualifies as “wasteful”.
Martínez-Sellés, en cambio, believes that these reforms are necessary not only to modernize the facilities, but also to meet the demands. Diversification strategy including Colegio Mediate spaces for events so that dependence on collegial mandatory quotas is reduced, representing 90% of the institute's annual.
No revelations, no conventions. Desde Amyts confirms that the main strategia económica es “poco realist” y acusan a la junta actual de gestionar “de forma ineficaz” los recursos del Colegio.
Support of amts
There is a most extreme situation Thomas MerinaMedical institution of Fuensanta Hospital. His candidacy, supported by Amyts, is presented as an alternative that promises to regain the school's attention. los problemas laborales de los medicos.
Merina believes that the actual direction is too centralized administrative questions y en manteren una relación cercana con la Consejería, something that, in his opinion, puts aside the needs of the collective.
AmytsIt is the most represented syndicate among Madrileño doctors The engine of most of the strikes and protests in recent years. His trajectory is marked by a critical speech against the health policy of the Community of Madrid.
Busca, with this nomination, according to his critics, consolidar una presencia más direct In the structure of the college.
This association with Amyts raised suspicions in some sectors of the profession I am afraid that the institution will lose its technical and scientific focus. In addition, the association's liaison with the Minister of Health, Monica GarciaHa sido señalado por el Presidente como una posible sample de politización.
Claims and challenges for the future
During all internal debates, madrileños doctors face structural problems that have not changed in recent years. La lack of job stability sigue siendo una de las principales preoccupaciones del collective. Miles of professionals decades of contratos temporal, any effective, no solo and professional professional, no personal and personal también.
Another key point is the duration of the guards. Las Jornadas de 24 hours. In this sense, more flexible models have been proposed, such as the 12-hour shifts already in use in other disciplines such as nursing.
Ethics and professional deontology
Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, CEU San Pablo University, Thomas Chivatoconsider, en una conversación con ECDThe function of the college should be centered in its technical-scientific aspect, with special emphasis on professional ethics and professional deontology.
In his view, while labor requirements are important, they are more union-oriented, while the College should operate independently to guarantee quality, professional renewal and the fulfillment of medical values.
First time los medics can vote telemáticaalgo que busca conrarrestar la baja participation registered en elite anteriores; 50,000 in the latest college worth only 6,000.
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