Jesús Cacho decides to resign from Paco Rosell as director of Vozpópuli

Jesús Cacho decides to resign from Paco Rosell as director of Vozpópuli

Jesús Cacho decides to resign from Paco Rosell as director of Vozpópuli

  1. Cambio en la Direction
  2. Silencio de las partes implicadas
  3. Pleito con Unidad Editorial
Francisco Rosell (Photo: Alejandro Martínez Vélez / Europa Press).

Vozpópuli He went through an internal crisis that affected his journalistic team and management team. According to industry sources consulted by Confidential Digital, Jesus Cachofounder and main promoter of the magazine, The director decided to leave Paco Rosel.

According to these sources, Rosel resisted a single film continued acudiendo al despacho y manteneniendo sus funciones como director.

Compound the situation in context Vozpópulitrack la There are often editors.

Los casos más recientes son los de Borja Mendez y Gema Huescaquienes han sido fichados por La Razon. This is a very important thing Borja Negrete y Jesus Ortegathis increased the tension within the editorial board and created uncertainty about the direction of the media.

Cambio en la Direction

There are bugs for this Jesús Cacho maneuvers for the occupier a Manuel Marin as the new principal.

In May, Marín entered a Vozpópuli coma Assistant Director. John una dilatada carrera en el diario ABC for 34 yearshe was the Adjunto Director of Vocento Magazine and, at the last stage, the Adjunto of the Editorial Director.

Because the movement is not free from difficulties Rosell se resiste a marcharse, se mantiene firme en su posición y Despite attempts to separate it, it continues to work.

The internal dispute reflects not only a clash of strategies, but also the difficulty of stabilizing the project, which, according to sector analysts, faces both financial and management challenges. La salida de journalism clave y la increased rotation in the template Reduce tensions, reduce balance.

Silencio de las partes implicadas

Confidential Digital ha intentado recabar las versions tanto de Jesus Cacho como say Francisco Roselpero al cierre de esta edition None of them answered a las preguntas

Otras fuentes internas de Vozpópuli Consultadas por este medio han preferido no pronunciarse al specto, evdenando el ambiente de hermetismo y cautela que rodea an este conflict.

La situación en Vozpópuli raises questions about the near future of the agenda y sobre cómo se solutionrá la disputa en su cúpula directive. With the pulse between Cacho and Rosell, the media is facing water retention pressure Stability editor en un momento de máxima insertidumbre.

Pleito con Unidad Editorial

Francisco Rosel took over the management of Vozpópuli last September after its founder and main shareholder Jesús Cacho.. In his presentation, he emphasized his pride in taking a media direction “without which no one can understand the last years of Spanish life” and announced his aim to place it among the most read titles.

Antes, Unidad Right after Editorial fue indemnidado por su despido As director of El Mundotras un largo forcejeo court.

El journalist interpuso una talaba por su destitución, el juicio fue retrasado durante casi un año por falta de juez, y este finally citó a toda la plana mayor de Editorial Unit. Al final hubo acuerdo biased.

Rosell is a presentation a fight against the company por falsedad en documento mercantil y estafa procedural. Rosell.

Juanma Moreno and Francisco Rosell (Photo: Jesús Prieto / Europa Press).