- Nothing about the construction
- Solve the housing crisis as masks are used
- “Change the rules of the game”
Durante el acto de clausuura del 41º Congreso Federal del PSOECelebrated in Seville, The president of the government announced the creation of a large public housing company Construction and management function for general public administration. This is the size you are looking for Tackling one of the most pressing issues for Hispanics: housing.
Nothing about the construction
The best part is that there is no need to download Protests against the measures taken by the government for this reason, such as the demonstration that took place in Barcelona on November 23. Desde differenta agrupaciones se le exigía al ejecutivo que pusieran un To rent, end speculation and prohibit los pisos turísticos by law in required zones.
El Sindicato de Inquilinas provides a ECD Sanchez's proposal won't solve any pressing housing problems. Los promoters de las multitudinarias demonstrations for el derecho a la videña ven este anuncio como un “titular electorate” y no creen que termine en algo más que solo palabras. Aseguran que el foco no se tiene que poner en la construcción, sino que se debe poner en “intervenir el mercado y acabar con la speculación”.
Solve the housing crisis as masks are used
They say they are still hoping to see how the proposal works out and will have to see if the government “They dare to solve the problem they created with strong measures”. Avisan que The new public housing company is no match for Sociedad de Gestión de Activos Procedentes de Restauración Bancaria (SAREB).a la que accusan de sir un fondo buitre que “desahucia familias todos los días”.
Comparing the state of the house with those living in a pandemic with masks, “durante el covid-19 they had to make masks and if they didn't they started speculating with them until they put their finger on the prices and the same thing will happen with the house”.
“Change the rules of the game”
Solution for Tenants' Union is to 'change the rules of the game' y si no se hace, The new public company will be a “great speculator”.. This does not mean that you will not be able to solve any problem: 50% reduction in rents, indefinite tenancies and rehabilitation of houses converted into tourist apartments. Confirmation que el camino está en Hacer que todas las viviendas que se puedan usar para alquilar sean recuperadas y, tras esto, se podría emprez a construir.
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