Linares PP says PSOE intends to “paralyze” the city – Linares28 – El diario digital de Linares

Linares PP says PSOE intends to “paralyze” the city – Linares28 – El diario digital de Linares

Raúl Caro-Accino, councilor of the People's Party of Linares, pointed out what he considered the PSOE's “continued attempts to paralyze the city and prevent its re-industrialization”. Against the revival and coordination of Empresarial de Santana, there is a quedar patent.

On the other hand, Raúl Caro-Accino highlighted the emphasis that the People's Government has implemented in the city: e-industry. Let's live an ideal moment thanks to the continuous investments of the governments of Juanma Moreno and Auxí del Olmo, the constant commitment to Linares and the work developed by both administrators to attract business projects. already declared implantation fruto de ese intenso trabajo y gestioni.

El concejal expressed his gratitude to the popular citizens: “We rely on the impulse of the Linarenses, who gave us the confidence to change the city.” Somos muy conscientes de queda mucho trabajo por hacer, pero también del achievement que supento alcarcera los purposes que nos camos hace a little más de un año, más si cabe tras los largos de continuedos los largos de de continuedo Gobiernosliieres de continuedo Gobiernosliieres de libernosliieres . .

“We believe that the PSOE will reflect and abandon the policy of obstruction and blockade, and thus put aside the orders of its leaders Pedro Sánchez and Paco Reyes to promote this policy of inequality in Linares, and start working for the city.” to confirm.

Caro-Accino concluded by announcing: “From the People's Party of Linares, we will continue this path of economic development and we will join hands with the government of Juanma Moreno with the aim of continuing our policy of employment, training and innovation. to attract business projects “Los Linarenses nos concedieron su confianza para llevar cabo el proyecto de ciudad que estamos desarrollando”.