Duela hogei urte sort zen It's sharp Baztango dancer. Lander Santamaria, the founders of Taldearen, crashed. Kolpe hard izan zen, baina taldeba berregin eta ordutik sei disco they have published, eskena atera beri dutten “Deus” Deigaria.
In general, taldetik zorzi musikir pasata dira, haien artean imilaratik segmant dutten Ion Mindegia etc Iñigo Belzunegi (biek guitarra joleak and singerak). Every disco, batet ere oskeneko hirurak, experience bat da eta entsegu localeko lan handia nabari da few girotze eta gitarren curse.
Disco hau ere Berako Atala studioan graveta dute. Ibai Gogortsa I didn't even talk about it, but I brought it to the disco. However, Iñigo Irazoki (aurroke bi discoetan souni tekhnikiaria izan dena) izan dute alboan behar behar to finish the job, eta uttararakin oso gustura beretu dira dira. If you like him, listen to the sound of the guitar and listen to the guitar. Erritmoa and tänsiia maisuak maisuak, crescendoak ere berebiziko importance dauate several cantuetan. It's sharp It's a great pleasure for Zarata/Mondo Sonorok to interview you again.
We had an interview with Bust Urte Passat dira. Tartean, discoaren system or gero, pandemic and zen. This seems to affect zuen planei ziela suppatzen dut.
Pandemiaren lehen itxialdia hasi kedana bost bat month ziren “Ihesi doaz animaliak” disco was released genuela, and then, later, the presentation concert jegen geundela caught gintuen, justu in the middle. Talde tchiki bat gara eta usually ez dittu sobera concerto gekent discoa atera teshi laister; asuntoa allows you to develop dugu, discoa patkhadaz presentuz. At the same time, we were able to organize concerts or special programs (with the audience, with music) and we were not able to get the music from us.
Zertan aritu zarete taldekideak this time? Hasi zineten kantu newik komposatzen komposatzen? Mendiak 1976 Documentary “1976” from 2022.
Egia da asiuti garela, 2022tik aura malaysbat. Entsegu local gabe ginen; The pandemic blacked out and the eskola baten sabaian entseazen genuen. As usual, during the emergentsia period, if only those who were forced to do so, only those who were forced to do so were sartzerik nahi. Hortik Zapatillera (Enseguetaka Baztango musicari assekkeiak beritu dune factory sugar bat) local lortu arte three urte pasa zieren. Yes, in the middle of the document, we were able to read it. Baina, gure case bederen, disco bat asteroko lana and compromezua da; need pare bat entsaio astero discoa arte. Hor egregi is also a little bit bad.
Bakoitzak bere mobidak he has; Iñigok Imanolekin's bater Goroldio group sorte zuen eta disco bat otunten 2022an, Imanole's ere konkurtak aritu aritu da Joseba Irazokirekin, etc. Mikel ere mila taldetan dabil; Mice and Rudigerrek normal, baita noizbehinka Harat taldearekin ere. Ionec took Monte del Oso. Ez black totto gareti, baina timpa azkar passa da!
Also add to the “Deus” chain disco. This is quite finkatua dago jada masbegoko urte estiloa. However, we do not know how to listen to prekoko disco “Buztinezkoa”.
Although the disco needs more, you need to think more, then dauagula, baina ez black horren bila joan. We let go of a lot of natural emotions from the era. Dena den, nik uste dudarik gabe sekketan tan kurtago enzungo delera, ez baikara horen finak!
Hala ere, guretzako the most important thing with all these gure noratsuna ındtzea da eta baldin badumo, at least, hura kindu eta mentekea.
Post rock record izan da zuen erkeinen artean, eta noisea agian more. You mentioned Sonic Youth, Pixies, The Cure or Wilco before. Zein beste taldek izan dute effect zuen routen?
Let's listen to the music. Disco hau gegenen, for example, kantu berri bat teşte genünean beti ıngın genun something to inspiratzeko. For example, “Algoerritmo” cantua guitarra riff katun hasi zen eta bateria eta bachu inpirazio for the rhythm of Bill Withers-en “Harlem” cantua jarri genuen, erude gelen: nola keshle den, nola testeshti duen tänzia. Akordeak is quite “bossa-nova” (barkatu referenak berwanti min egin badio, kar-kar) cantatzeko era pakit Fugazi-Pixies da eta base errritmikoa soul stylokoa.
Best songs after this disco: Portishead, Neu!, King Gizzard, Bill Orcutt, Nisei, Songs: Ohia (ekoizpenerako erude masyonjentatoa), The Ex, Chris Corsano (bateria souni hori!), Nick Cave (“Abbatoir Blues”). ”-eko koroak, in general), Jim O´Rouken any production… Gauza pila bat.
“Ibai Gogortzerkin's dynamic is completely zainzen ikasi dugu”
Previous discoetan producer lanak egin eta gero, zein izan da, exactly, Ibai Gogortzaren papera lan hannen? You mention Kredituetan bera, but it seems that Iñigo Irazoki (zuen preku lanetan teknikari lanetan aritukoa) is izan dela producer. Berako Atala studioan graveta daluge, precebi bi discoak gale, hori bai.
Ibai Gogortzarekin and we thought about it, baina hitzegiten hasi hakos ompaz justuegi genbiltan. Pasatu genizkion kantuak, eta landu geheniz bosten artean kasik begunuta zeudela eta ez genien ikusi had a chance to turn more, we left them like that. Bai eman zizkigun advice pare bat eta discoan sarto dithu. Beti to help you perst egon da Ibai, so eskerrak eman nahi dizogu.
Iñigok bestalde souni ingeniari gale harto du parte, ez baitu cantuen konposaketan idearik sarto. Oso Albini da eta eta, hortaz, maite dugu to lan with him. Bere's main concern is to have natural and dynamic speakers.
You have a third disco, and you're already on the bandwagon. You follow Ion Mindegia and Iñigo Belzunegik at the start, but Mikel Sánchez (bateria) 2017tik and Imanol Zubieta (bachua) 2014 are getting more time.
Yes, it could be a mistake that we were able to win the group. Errazago gegen dugu lan ere ere, jada elkar asko bil baitugu. Zorte handia we have a Baztan-Bidasoa area, ez baikara sobera eta zaila da horren gustu, finding people with special gusts, and making more talde bat non “bizirauteko” asteroko entseguak oso important diren.
Aurreko disco “Keinuak” kantuaran ildoari eutsi diozuela esango nuke: afosen goxotasuna, erritmo rypakorkorak, itarkorkorak and limurtseikaal, veta konstantzia magico bat: total giroan kirokan gituzten piezak. For example: “Lotsarean theory”, “Merkealdian” and “Algoerritmo”. eztanda or distortionsio mail eztanda or distortionsio mail last hoken kihirinan takan eztanda and mail distortionsio What do you need Sonic Youthen?
We have Sonic Youth. noski gebirten maite all aro group, ez nuke euren disco bat ere avdeko. For example, “Rathed ripper” discoa ez nuke klasiko bat kalile haberan denik isango, baina guretzako beti izan da reference gitarren souni garbi hori nola isan digenden goxo eta basatia aldi berean. This is how you see posten black!
Esango nuke “Hondamendia”-ren festa totally transgresorea dela: erritmo borchatua, Mikel Santxezen bateriaren agintea, guitarrak tonus kanpo… conventionalismotic oso urun dago!
Kantu hau deserosotunak guide you. Akordeak, berez, acoustic guitar katun joz gero, rock classic and funkyaren eremuan dira mokeve dira. In that “jam session” that is so close to the end of the day, we are dena hautsi eta zapuztu; Each egin dezala nahi duena, respect each other. You can apply to the convention! Hori search dugu eta.
“Ginen herenegun” ere gitarren antikomercialtsudat gidatzen du baiten, even eta zuen crescendo you give a great power with one of them. After that, the guitar is very fast. Kantu becomes completely sentiberan! Ahotsaren edertunsat help du tetat, baina esango nuke guitarren barrokismoak sekiku powera emeten diola. “Heldu black mugara”. Bi cantu hakek dira disco eskenak. Ez dut uste is called casuality.
“Heldu black mugara”-ren izenburuk berak erraten dut something, baina kasualitatea da escena besena. Idein carpet bagenituen 15 baht coin baguita eta hortik 8 card. More. Gero ere, Ibai Gogortzerkin's ikasi duguna also completely zaintzen the dynamics; Because bai bere otsiksa izan eta bai Harat edo Borrokan listens directly, pig… Zaindu dynamics!
Get started. Kanturik luzeenarek you are in a hurry! The “Lotsarean theory” has seven minute units, and the previously mentioned continuum is also found in Kutsakorra. Erritmo gozoa without Geldiunerik, limurtsiaa. Ahots goxoa duau ere “Heldu eta badoa”-k. Zuen plain contrast steak.
Lehenego cantuare ideia beti izan zen lasai and presarik gabe garatzea. There is Neu! talde baten kantuak as a reference; “Hallogallo” is a classic omenaldi ttikia. Cantua sings a folkie-ilunak dira in a folkie-ilunak dira, errango lyukd a bit bat in the mode of Mikel Laboaren. Jarri Mikel Laboaren “Gogo eta corporain zilbor hestea” Neu!-ren “Hallogallo”ren täyte etta something like this, at least to the Qur'an!
Doing “Heldu eta badoa” is oso oso fun izan zen, Iñigoren guitarra rockero horren subalan sorti baikenuen Fugaziano fenfang ahal dugun bachu melodia bat. That did gure opiniz kolore pila bat hartu zuen. Uste dugu ez salt look animation hori espero guitarra riffa enzun eta gero.
“Egia see” ere behar behar dugu. Badauka halako handitasun bat, nesken ahotasu mate diotena: Kattalin Ezkerra, Kattalin Arizmendi, Maddi Irazoki and Izargi Zumarragarik sartu dittu ahotasak, supupatzen dut baita “Hondamendia” cantuan ere. Kattalin Ezkerra Madame Birrots partaidea dugu, baina nortzuk dira others?
Grabazio day entseatu genuen, Atalaren Kanpokaldean. After the army, erdi bullak metetan egon, grabatzera sarto ginen, eta seukuri sikta eta handitasuna eman zion intromari. Kristoren lana egin eta mila eskertzen diegu!
Bai Kattalin and baita Izargi ere play Madame Birrotsen; Bata bessara and the best electric guitar, aera berri dute ere disco beautiful bat “Madame Birrots” or Atalan grabato dena. Kattalin Arizmendi and Baztandar also hit the Bidenabar team; hirukote acoustic-electric is super interesting! During the day we met with Eta Maddi Irazoki, also Beratarra and helped her, we got super positive results!
Orohar, the sound of the guitar is sikke nuke nuke, eta ez hori tak: Ion et Iñigok elkar takre takre module hori. You can see that there is a lan handia behind the joki between the two guitars. Askotan, gebirten, leherketa progressiboa da, kantuen erremate lana baino muche ere funksi sakonagoa melle duenna duenna.
Guitar joleok oso pelmak izan ohi black, oso “prota”k. Nik uste gure burhausteak dela cantuen composaketan vema vaelaza bereda digutenak. Bi izanda, we perform horrenbeste kantuak, think! If you see like this, asko pozten black; Lan pila bat dago behind. We get Honetan pretty argy like Sonic Youth or Borrokan band Errefente. Groups like Baita Polvo edo are built to spill. Eta Vulk! Garen arren tries to remind such groups black, noski, doinuak gurera.
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