The Diputación de Jaén will make a “significant effort” in the fight against climate change by increasing the amount of subsidies it applies to municipalities, associations and non-profit organizations. 294 measures have been included in the Annual Plan for Combating Climate Change. Thus, Isabel Uceda, the deputy in charge of the Diputasion in this matter, announced that the global amount of these calls will be 760,000 euros, 640,000 to the councils of Jiennes and the rest to the collectives.
The Environment and Climate Change Commissioner is responsible for disbursing these two hotlines for municipalities published today in the Province's Official Gazette and will do so for businesses on Monday. Dos convocatorios que, como ha resaltado Uceda, “presentan importantes novedades”, entre las que resaltan el aumento de su dotación. Specifically, from 92,000 to 120,000 euros, 30% más, 290,000 euros or above 640,000 to 640,000% are worth 92,000 euros. Otra de las noveldades de esta convocación responds to “the request of the beneficiaries of the previous editions asking us to advance the aid” and it will be done this year. In the same way, y en lo que respectable a las ayudas para ayuntamientos, se han simpliado, passando de cuatro líneas a solo dos.
Isabel Uceda features both convocatorios de ayudas. As for directing the unions, he pointed out that there are two lines: the first is the promotion of agricultural products, projects that promote the visibility and dynamism of the provincial agricultural sector, agricultural diversification, equipped with 20,000 euros for integrated production. and ecológica y la protection del patrimonio phytogenético y ganadero de la province. The second one is aimed at environmental awareness towards the implementation of programs for sustainability, climate change, the value of the night sky, sustainable mobility and animal protection and amounts to 100,000 euros. The maximum amount that businesses can request is €2,995.
Action programs, projects and programs are designed for programs and programs implemented for the province. Equipped with 640,000 euros, there are also two lines of action: the first, worth 100,000 euros, seeks to prioritize the awareness, training and participation of citizens to involve the Jiennese society and the productive sectors in the fight against climate change. Movements, formation and sensitivity of the data collected in this plan, energy-related relations, water resources, municipalities and sectors related to the economy. circular y con medio natural, agricultura y ganadería.
The second line of competition is aimed at subsidizing investments for projects aimed at improving mitigation, energy transition and adaptation to climate change in the municipalities of Jiennes, and any of the 294 actions of the plan can be the object of this call. The financial limit of this line is 540,000 euros and the interest that can be paid to the municipalities is 95%, the maximum grant limit for the project is 5,000 euros for the 1st line and 30,000 euros for the 2nd.
The deputy believes that this call is “an important step for the Diputación in the fight against climate change, because Jaen is one of the most vulnerable regions of Andalusia and all the efforts made by administrations, productive sectors and citizens in general deben ser los. We have chosen the latest manifesto of the Andalusians and the municipalities of Valencia”.
In this line, he stressed that “there is no time for debates about the existence of climate change, it is time to act, to join efforts and not to waste money for this purpose.” This is what we understood from the Provincial Government and therefore we increased the amount of this call by 120%”, the deputy believes, adding that “it is legitimate for us to ask the Junta de Andalucia to do something similar and increase it”. his investments in this material”.