Primal Scream, Interview at Mondo Sonoro (2024)

Primal Scream, Interview at Mondo Sonoro (2024)

“come on” (BMG, 24) for the first disco Primal Scream in eight years. Along with indie-pop/rock performers, Gillespie has an obvious regusto regusto about the show's socio-political and socio-political comedies.

“Come Ahead” often cambia de estilo disco un extenso disco; I think it's a very ambitious disco. Disco, guitar, bass, drums… but no (almost) no electronics. Which disco would you like to make? I'm looking at an aspect for the album.
Primal Scream's last album was mostly electronic without a lot of guitars. Este quería que sonase… orgánico no es la palabra correcta, pero quería que las canciones tuviesen forma. Album anterior las canciones son dos verso y etribillo. Eso bir veces está bien, pero en estas nuevas canciones que estaba escribiendo, a veces hay seis o siete verso… son canciones de formas largas. I wanted to do something aesthetic, but I also wanted the conductor to tell a story. Most of the songs were just written here at home with guitars, then edited and worked on in the studio.

Would you say that Come Ahead is a particularly political or social album? What made you write the lyrics for this album?
Bueno, yo creo que que que politico tal vez no sea la palabra adequada. I think it's more than just a faithful album. I am an artist committed to what is happening in the world. The state of the world and modern life. Ya sabes: mientras hablamos están pasando cosas muy extremas. I think I'm connected and interested in what's going on in the world from within rock music, which is mostly white people. La culture basura emerged from the wider culture of British society. También se acelera la tecnologia, con unos tipos avances que ayudan acelerar e impuls la violencia y el desarrollo de arms. You also see how gangs now connect through social networks, where in many cases they promote malicious ideas, algorithms… as if there was now only one winning horse in a completely different world. I am deeply concerned about global warming and climate change, as well as the rise or return of fascism in Switzerland and elsewhere.

“Queria que las canciones de este disco tuviesen formas largas”

Disco designed by David Holmes “More Light” (Ignition, 13) ¿Por qué decisteis contar de nuevo con él? ¿David Holmes or any other person?
Decirme que fuésemos al studio for disco and divertido program for 2021. Yo estaba deácio concentrado y haciendo demácios cosas con mi libro “Un chaval de barrio” (Contra, 23) y no podía ni pensar en hacer un disco, así que le dije: “la verdad es que no estoy listo para ir al estudio y hacerlo”. However, I can try. Yo tenía una canción que quería que estuviese bien lista antes enviarla y de que él escuchara, y al mismo tenía que funcionador dentro de este nuevo contenido que es el disco, porque es como un todo. In addition, such a situation arises. So the process began, deforma muy rápida. Then, first of all, proceed in any order. I'll give you the Primal Scream disco email address. This was the beginning. We started playing guitar parts on songs with Andrew Innes, continued charting with batteries and measured sounds and more guitars. And, sobre todo, comenzamos a indagar en el gospel, un mundo en el que hemos conocido a gente muy interesante y emociento.

This new disco includes such fun songs as “Ready to Go Home” or “Innocent Money” that you can even send. Prince ¿Is there a disco program with the funky faces of Primal Scream?
Yes, yes, definitely. Contact the discotheque. You can make me encanta music. The latest version: musical funk. I listen all the time.

“Revolt of Love” is a more soulful piece (aside from being a glorious single). In this age of wars and occupations, is love still the answer?
It is unlike anything else that matters. However, it is accessible to revolutionary creativity. I guess what the song actually says is that there needs to be a rebellion or an uprising. Action is an example of love. Como comentábamos antes, no me siento satisfiedo en absoluto con los acontecimientos que están sucediendo hoy en día en el mundo. And I believe most people share the feeling of rejection of what I am talking about. We see that they do trabajos para exigirles a los trabajadores que den el máximo, y al son eso es todo lo que se ven obligatos to hacer en su vida installations. I don't believe most people do much more than that. The neoliberal model is simply ansia de más y más, es como un nardicto. I don't agree. I also believe that the machines are still working in the service of a financial monster that wants more. Well, it's very interesting. Exigen más trabajo while manipulating the right to close more factories. The benefits are maximized, but that's enough. It's a psychotic way to control and understand the world of shit. So, if we have the opportunity to create a kinder world, please try. Look what is happening in Palestine. Maybe I'm naive in general, but I just believe that you can try and make a better world. Finally, you will listen to the music. This ispanyol, yo soy escocés, but esto juntos.

Is this the first disco since Martin Duffy's death a few years ago that it's been difficult to work without him?
No, because Andrew played keyboards at this disco. There are synth sequences, electronic sounds, emergency sirens… But Andrew and I are very involved in writing those types of sounds. Obviously we lost a lot of people and it was a big loss, but sometimes we part ways.

I was interviewed the last time you posted it “Chaosmosis” (Ignition, 16) y How romantic will Primal Scream be? Do you have a romantic passion for music?
Creo que me equivoqué. Vi a Jack White aquí en Londres hace unas semanas y él todava es un romantico. Creo que Paul Weller es un romantico, al igual que Fontaines DC he The Fat White Family. Todavía quedan romanticos. It is clear that the industry is suffering from many cambios. All technological cambios, y de nuevo, related to the financial mentality of capitalism. Or there is something very beautiful in the industrial industry. For example, this is Jack White's maravilloso concerto. It's also his new album. There are these Rock & Roll discos, this Rock & Roll is as famous as bankruptcy.

How long will Primal Scream last? How do you see yourself in 20 years?
Bueno, lo sé, la verdad. There is nothing. Adelante later with the album. And, above all, it is extremely reliable for my personal creativity, because it is the best option for you.