Hey Reyes Magos! Linares prepares for an unforgettable trip on January 5 – Linares28 – El diario digital de Linares

Hey Reyes Magos! Linares prepares for an unforgettable trip on January 5 – Linares28 – El diario digital de Linares

El Área de Festejos del Ayuntamiento de Linares continued to hold a draw last night to determine who will embody Melchor, Gaspar and Balthasar, Their Majesties of the East on January 5, 2025. Traditionally, during the Magi, in the morning of that day, they will make numerous trips throughout the city, and in the evening, they will parade in a large procession through the streets of Linares. Organized according to Agracia: Comitiva A (Rey Melchor: Juan Hidalgo Romero; Rey Gaspar: Javier Suárez Garrido; Rey Baltasar: José Armando Ripeu Siale) and Comitiva B: Reyes Palomas; : Carmen Suárez Mármol; Rey Baltasar: Clara Idania Óscar Flores). In addition, six substitutes were selected by lottery.

On the other hand, a draw was made for 14 wagons for a total of 20 wagons that fit the grand procession, along with the Magi from the Área de Festejos and three other special wagons. The results are presented by the mighty agracias: Asociación Cultural El Rescate de Linares, Club Atletismo Juventud Linares, Fundación Spínola, Asociación Linarense de Astronomía Curiosity, AA.VV Barriada La Andaluza, Asociación Cultural y Musical Maestro Alfredo Martos, Agrupación Arciprestal de Hermandades and Cofradías de Linares , ACIL, Hermandad de Gloria de Nuestra Señora del Rocío, AA. VV. Paseo de Linarejos, IES Santa Engracia, Cofradía Jesús Nazareno, AA. VV. Las Américas and Asociación Pena Azulilla Valgas de Fresa.