Zamora's former president, Victor Aldama, surprised the audience with his testimony before the judge, which detailed a web of connections that looked more like something out of a spy movie than a sports director. Según sus palabras, ha tenido cooperates with the most important intelligence agencies of the worldLike CIA, British MI6, CNI and UCE2 española.
This statement, Aldama ha asegurado haber sido Member of UCE2The anti-terrorist unit of the Guardia Civil and even a medal for his contribution to the fight against terrorism confirmed. However, El hecho de que no sea Guardia Civil ha puesto en duda sus affirmationsya que para formar parte de esta unidad es necesario ser miembro de este cuerpo. Intelligence sources confirmed to laSexta that Aldama's claims are false.
El relato de Aldama went on to elaborate on his hypothesis Cooperation with the Guardia Civil. Ha assured that his role was to provide Nuevos mobile phones for agents It passed through Mexico and Venezuela, and from here buy a drone for Unidad. There is no obstacle, la Guardia Civil declarado desconocer cualquier relación con el drone was recorded.
Además de su vinculación con la UCE2, Aldama ha menção haber estáblado Contact with the CIAan American intelligence agency responsible for global security. His report also included notes GAR (Grupo de Acción Rapida de la Guardia Civil), a specialized anti-terrorism agency involved in international missions under NATO, the UN and the European Union.
However, Aldama also made sure to cooperate with him British MI6El Reino Unido foreign intelligence service. Interestingly, he refers to this agency using its old name, MI6, even though it is now known as MI6. SIS (Servicio Secreto de Intelligence).
Authorities continue to investigate these claims, while Aldama continues to insist on ties to the world's most important intelligence agencies. La Contradiction of his testimony and lack of evidence que respalden sus declaraciones dejan abierta la pregunta sobre la veracidad de su version de los hechos.
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