Aldama performed with Ana Botella at the opening of his restaurant in Madrid in 2014

Aldama performed with Ana Botella at the opening of his restaurant in Madrid in 2014

Victor de Aldama es uno de los grandes nombres in current Spanish politics. The reason is not only that he is the likely winner of the “Koldo case”, but also the charges he brought before the judge and the accusations against several members of the PSOE. Various important members of the PSOE.

Historical, sí, viene de largo. In 2014, defilase junto alcaldesa was included in Madrid. Continue the talks in Madrid with Ana Botella in the restaurant, a quien se vio muy smilenti con Aldama.

Even, llegó poner the primera piedra de un restaurante al que luego lleváría otros VIP, como el miso Aldama confirmed: “Ábalos celebró una cena ahí en su 60 cumpleaños. Vinieron varios ministros, y el president con su esposa”.