Journalist Marina Valdes analyzed the details of the portrait taken by photographer Annie Leibovitz in Más Vale Tarde magazine. tenth anniversary of the coronation. Both photographs can be visited together with other clocks in the Banco de España 'La tyranía del Cronos' exhibition, in fact it will be the first time that an image has been appreciated as a photograph rather than as a picture. The photos were taken last time February 7 in the Gasparini room of the Royal Palace of Madrid and the price is 137,000 euros.
First of all, the journalist reviewed the figure of Letizia, who emphasized her make-up and hairstyle with “water waves”. la luz que le hacen parecer “una diosa”. Similarly, he drew attention to the jewels he wore, which, according to the reporter, “have an incalculable value.” Specifically, Victoria Eugenia de Battenberg has a collar at home. At the same time, on the index finger of Dona Letizia luce, he kept a ring belonging to the company “Core Eterno”, which, according to the details, has two inscriptions: inside it you can read the motto. From 'El amor todo lo mueve' to 'Mentras yo exista tú serás querido' or 'El amor todo lo mueve'. This last is a quote inspired by Dante's Divine Comedy, and Valdes details his worth. 975 euros and this is an “anonymous donation”.
En cuanto a la indumentaria de la reina Letizia Valdés, ha reseñado que la fotógrapha les dijo que se putisesen lo que quesieran, que el Banco de España ise que fuesen ropas que neverca hubiesen cido en uncial unposado requested. El vestido es un “Two pieces” de Balenciaga, con palabra de honor y corte de sirena de los años 40 y “que perteneció a María Junyent”. “However Capa parece un chal, pero realente es una capa de los años 60 que le hace esa funcción, y que es de un color fucsia intenso,” he added.
On the other hand, Valdes noted that “in front of Letizia's picture, one of the king como que está más oscura, dan ganas de darle brillo”. A su vez, ha resaltado el hecho de que el monarca no mira a la camara como si hace su esposa; lleva el Earth Army Captain General Costume, semblante “serio, y se apoya en una mesa”. “Todos los elements que le rodean son los clásicos.”: el espejo, la mesa, la gran lámpara y los cortinajes del salon Gasparini,” he said.
Ultimately, he noted, the idea for this portrait came about after Leibovitz received the Princesa de Asturias Award for Communication and Humanities in 2013. Because Letizia is a big fan. Habría sido la fotógrapha quien se habría oferciote, debida a su dilatada experiencia con reales posados y de grandes celebrities.
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