After Carmen Merino found a skull in a box she handed over to her friend and discovered that her partner had been missing for months, all suspicions were that the skull belonged to Jesus Marie. The embargo of guilt, as explained by Miguel Salas, the medical court, “la identificación se mostraba difícil”. No obstante, el forense explica que “había una serie de datos que podían orientar hacia la identificación”: “The skull was presented dos piezas dentales, que fueron fundamentales para llevar cabo un studio genetico que nos logró determinar la identificación de Jesus”.
In addition, journalist Abel Verano explains that there is “one last detail of forensic analysis” that caught the attention of investigators: “Apparecen 37 pelos adheridos al cranio”. Sin embargo, Carmen Merino and Tenían Relación demostró que demostró que los pertenecientes con los pertenecientes. Furthermore, the researchers discovered that one of these feathers had the same genetic profile as Jesus, so it must be a direct family member, like a brother.
El explains the journalist Jesus Mari has a brother named Andrés, with whom he has a friendly relationship. In addition, Andrés “had economic problems and Jesus Marie helped him financially every month,” explains Abel Verano, “before disappearing, according to Carmen Merino, Jesus Marie and his brother Jesus met because of reprochó que. se gastase el dinero en machines and prostitutes”. Además, he survived a lot, Andrés appeared as an heir in his will, the embargo of sin, in 2018 Jesus Marie changed his inheritance and included Carmen. Any modification may be required according to any modification.
by you, el abogado de Carmen explains that Andrés “no veia con buenos ojos a Carmen” ya que la “Veía como rival for inheritar el patrimonio”. “Ella en los ultimos tiempos tenía la sensación de que alguien le entraba en su casa y eso lleva la cambiar las lláves de la cerradura”, explained the lawyer. “Of course there was no time,” Andrés said to the journalist.
For this, the Guardia Civil is announced “Se tiene conocimiento de numerous llamas entre Carmen y Andrés”: “There really isn't anything motivated above all else.” In the end, the investigation concluded that “Andres did not observe his brother's participation in the disappearance: “Se ve, claramente, que pensaba que se había marchado de vacaciones y que estaba vivo.”
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Conclusion: “The best world in the matter”