The real estate bubble and DANA: 3 out of every 10 affected homes were built in an inundable zone during the 'pelotazo'

The real estate bubble and DANA: 3 out of every 10 affected homes were built in an inundable zone during the 'pelotazo'

La burbuja real estate Por suposueto golpeó fuerte en Valencia was called by its Formula 1 circuit and experience. “Sociopolis”una urbanization of 3,000 viviendas junto a huertos urbanos que cuando reventó la burbuja quedó sin acabar.

Cuando tras años de ruina parte del proyecto ha salido adelante, 'Sociópolis' también se ha inundado por la DANA. Para Iván Portugues, Doctor of Geography and expert on inundaciones, “the real estate bubble must be taken into account when studying the impact of this crecida”.

Since 2003, the Generalitat Valenciana has a plan to bet on building “futuros desarrollos hacia non inundables zones”, but this has not been carried out. Web Datadista demosera, Three out of every 10 DANA-affected homes were built in a flood-proof zone during the bubble.

Vista atras echamos, las poblaciones má deñadas, como Paiporta, llevan decas construirendo donde podia llegar y llegó el lodo. In 1957, los núcleos urbanos de la zone were pequeños, but despite the construction canal del Turiacrecieron en viviendas y en polygonos industriales ideales para que el agua corra. An area of ​​almost half a million people is one of the areas they own The mayor of the city of Valencia densidas de población.