Carmen Morodo: “If the Valencians had received the same warnings as the Andalusians, they would have stayed home.”

Carmen Morodo: “If the Valencians had received the same warnings as the Andalusians, they would have stayed home.”

Come on The nueva DANA, which especially influenced Andalusiait was possible to appreciate how the administrations celebrated the tragedy in Valencia and were more careful with notifications. AEMETlass a la ciudadanía warning and measures to protect and restrict mobility.

“Evidentemente el impacto está ahí y el miedo lo tenemos y tiene una repercusión”, he commented Carmen Morodo in a video about these lines, where the sin embargo highlights the “exemplary” governance of the Xunta de Andalucía. Say “También hay que medir”. el nivel de los gestoreswater facilities and cómo está engrasada la comunidad autonoma”.

Morodo shows his complete conviction that “los valencianos, sin haber vivido la catástrofe and los más de 200 muertos, si hubiesen received las mismas warnings que han llegado a los Andalusians, se hubiesen comportado de la misma manera sin tener que sufrir esto”.

“La población no ha aprendido, ha sido alertada y.” subject to being liable que tenemos”, sentencia la journalista, que recalca que “con esas alertas, no tengo ninguna duda de que la majojos de valencianos se hubiesen quedado en su casa”.

“The people of Valencia are used to DANAs, and if they had sounded some kind of alarm, they would have reacted incredibly,” added the person in charge of laSexta meteorology. Joanna Ivars.