Más Vale Tarde had the opportunity to interview Cristina Rois, Consejo de Seguridad Nuclear Dependent Environmentalists in Action member and assistant to the Transparency and Public Participation Committee. During the intervention, the environmentalist reviewed some of the protocols that should be followed in the event of a nuclear attack. “The most important thing is to prevent radioactive particles from entering the dentro del cuerpo because then they would be more dangerous. Emitirían su radiación que la skin o la ropa podría bloquere y change your DNA”he confirmed.
Similarly, Rois recommended that the initial “bloquear las misiones de radiación, refugiándote detrás de un muro de concrete lo suficiente grueso”. At the same time, he assessed another type of consequences that went beyond the “devastation caused by the bomb.” it looks like a nuclear accident “It's All About Fukushima”.
“In addition to the radioactive isotopes that have their own bomb, that There are final deposits and radioactive substances for plants, animals and people. Eso como polvo y si llueve, encima, como agua”, he pointed out, al miso tiempo que ha assuredo que “eso hay que evitarlo, aunque sea refugiándote debajo de un puente”. “, he added.
Radiación can be recommended for la radiación, which is clearly repeated. Saturar la glándla tiroides y así que no absorba el iodine 131 que es radioactiveo”nuclear explosion “in relation to the sale of a central nuclear accident”. Finally, with the “no problem, no pollution” sign.
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