Alvaro Romillo, better known as “CryptoSpain”, explained to Ana Pastora Interview at Conspiranoicos How did she meet Alvise Perez and how did they start their relationship? Romillo assured that he first tried to contact Alvise, but his message went unanswered until the campaigner contacted him.
“We know him through social networks and I keep in touch with him. I saw a video of him going to Spain and I sent him an audio on WhatsApp. There are audio and voice responses. Le decía si quería hacer asesoría sobre fiscalidad y qué países podía ser interesas. Un tema divulgativo de su comunidad y la mía. Audio plays to answer. The answer will be given in 2024,” he explained.
una quedada, fue en una llama where Alvise tells 'CryptoSpain' his reason for contacting him while trying to be specific: “He was the one who contacted me. Water's answer is 'hola, no sé por qué nunca escuché tu audio'. Make it simple for me. There is nothing on this agenda. When we started talking, he gave me a series of applications. Most importantly, basic requirements for real queries. Bu era que Alvise tenía un dinero recibido en criptomonedas de donaciones, eso me decía él need. He had a wallet with money and wanted money in cash.”
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