Viral están de las protagonistas in the cafeteria where they work, de pronto, when they take one. reseña de una estrella You can get information about customers, which attracts the attention of customers.
“Cucharitas de café demasiado pequeñas, el azúcar y las servilletas las tienes que buscar y para comerte un biscocho tienes que pedir un cuchillo porque te ponen una cuchara,” says the man with the message. He justifies everything he says in the message by convincing the young man in the video that he is lying. “Ojalá haya más 'reviews a la cara' y menos in Google Reviews”dice tajante la joven.
From the plateau Aruser@s, Hans Arus Explain the controversy clearly. “Ellas han reacted bien, pero otra persona podría presentarse delante de este hombre y decirle cualquier cosa y acabar mal”, said Hans. How would you react if you wrote an unwarranted one-star comment and had a customer sitting in front of you? You can see the opinion of the tertulians in the video accompanying this news.
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