Two Spanish researchers have discovered that some anti-inflammatories can help treat cancer

Two Spanish researchers have discovered that some anti-inflammatories can help treat cancer

Anais Elevaut and Guillem Estivill, spanish inquisitors doshan descubierto que Algunos anti-inflammatorios could help or anti-cancer. His research was published in the prestigious scientific journal Nature. There is also Oportunidad talk to the investigator It consists of a studio.

To do this, use the obvious Tumor cellsproduces a prostaglandin molecule that has a negative effect on monocytes, a type of immune cells that are resistant to immunotherapy. “Hemos descubierto que are monocytes of cytotoxicosis that activate lymphocytescells that kill cancer,” says Guillem. The scientist explains that with anti-inflammatory drugs, they can block the enzymes that produce prostaglandins in cancer cells. los monocitos sean funcionalesactive lymphocyte cytotoxicos, que pueden matar and las céluas tumorles” added.

Studio, right now se ha hecho en ratones con tumors a los humanos. The researchers found that the animals lived longer and, in addition, were treated. Estivill explica que todava no ha sido probado en humanos y que, además, no es su trabajo hacerlo dueto a que trabaja in the laboratory with preclinical models. “In fact, there are clinical trials testing these combinations of anti-inflammatories with immunotherapy and other types of drugs for different types of cancer,” he said.

El científico, además, wants to give an important message about his research: “Si se tiene cáncer”. no aspirin or anti-inflammatoriesno cáncer, habría que tomar quantitas enormes para logar esos efectos”. “Nosotros proponemos” combinar la immunoterapia anti-inflammatory and other drugs que aumentan los interferones”, he added, “que también son very important que los monocitos estén actives”.