Los afectados for el paso de la DANA continúa haciendo fronte a los destrozos que el fuerte temporal has caused. Six days after the disasterContinúan exigiendo que llegue más ayuda, while the streets are filled with mud and collapsed by waterlogged cars.
Carmen, Cataroja's neighbor in Valencia, tells how she lives el fuerte temporal. This neighbor explains that she was trying to pull out a drawer of a piece of furniture that had several photos in it, and her son yelled at her to get upstairs because everything was starting to flood. “Una silla me atravesó la pierna, pero por suerte me pude coger a la barandilla,” he said.
Al mirar a la pared, se dio cuenta de que ya no estaba el mueble del que había taken out el cajón. “Se había ido para la cocina”, remember Finally, pay attention to the appearance, which has the ability to save.
“I want to keep the memories of the photos, that's the main thing for me”confession in visible emociona. If we say, “Of course nothing,” he will confirm it.
De hecho, to recognize que ya no le queda nada que ponerse. “Ayer tuve que ponerme un calzoncillo de mi hijo”, he shows, dejando claro que, pese a todo, está convencida de que abarán “saliendo adelante”.
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