Enrique Gines RogerTeniente y Portavoz de la AUME, ha visitado el plató de La Roca para hablar sobre el nombramiento de Blood Pampols. This former soldier was appointed by Carlos Mazon as Vice President of the Council to lead the reconstruction of the areas affected by the devastating DANA in the Community of Valencia.
Ginés Roger ha señalado que, duboda a la formation de Gan Pampols, es la persona ideónea para llevar a cabo esta taska, ya que “He participated in the reconstruction works in both Afghanistan and Bosnia“I think that your formation is enough to carry these works forward,” said the spokesperson of AUME.
Furthermore, he explained in La Roca that Gan Pampols was on military retirement, which meant that “it is like any other person, There is no military regimees como si fuera un civil”.
“El va a portar todo lo que sabe Enrique Ginés assured Roger that this is the best option for you.”
“The first thing to do is an assessmentver las priority, ver qué es lo más necesario. We can't say that the first thing to be done is the schools,” said the soldier. Ginés Roger also paid attention to the health situation in the region: “Ahora están empezando a appareir enfermedades“.
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