Enrique del Pozo criticized his participation Barbara Ray on a television program. “It's all about that. cuando interviene un check e interviene dinero, la dignidad tiene un precio determinado“, – confirmed Enrique del Pozo.
“Entonces, ni me parece bien lo que ha hecho su hijo ni en este caso, que me pardone Barbara Rey, no me parece bien que vender las barbaridades que se han dicho de ella tengan un price”, ha destacado Enrique del Pozo, que emphasized: “Anyway, a million euros is a million euros.” “Va a contar lo que quiera contar”, ha affirmed Enrique del Pozo sobre las nuevas declaraciones de Barbara Rey, de la que dice que “dejará un espacio más para seguir contando cosas y seguir levándescolo crudo”.
Alfonso Arús confirms the phrase “Enrique siempre manje buena información”, but “extra cost”: “Television programs have no importance”. For her part, Tatiana Arús explains that she read two things: “One news was offered at the beginning for 400,000 and it was up to six figures, and the other said that the amount has not increased and will continue at 400,000 siendo.” euro”. “I need 400,000 euros,” he insists. Alfonso Arús, que destaca: “I believe that Barbara will tell stories with her son and the emerito will say little or nothing.”
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