Esteban Rodríguez trabaja en la AEMET as head of climate assessment and modeling. In it, they analyze the different scenarios we can expect thanks to hardware as powerful as supercomputers, which he explains: The computing power of 15,000 personal computers y un consumo de luz de “casi 900 aa dia”.
Toda esta potencia culminates in an interactive map with which anyone can see from their home a projection of temperature or precipitation for the whole of Spain during this century, and the projection provided by researchers like Esteban. “Data sobre qué tipo de eventos extreme podemos registrar ve futuro”.
In this sense, he notes that “one of the results we see is that, especially en la vertiente mediterránea, se espera un aumento de la torrentcialidad de las precipitations”. En otras zones, como Andalucía, commenta que “vamos tener ventanas de tiempo sin lluvia, más largas y con temperatures más largas”, lo que llevaría a “esperar que” The fire risk index is higher“.
“Futuro lejano, empiezan and asomarno warm nights en zonas de la costa cantábrica, Navarre y Castilla y León”, indica.
Esteban also points out that in this case there is no need to mitigate the effects of climate change, but to adapt: ”Prepare us in such a way that the impact of unexpected changes and events is less.”
In addition, he assures that “every euro invested in adapting to climate change from an economic point of view will ultimately result in savings from the type of damage that could have been avoided”: “According to climatic conditions for rentable adaptation”sentence.
Sobre los negacionistas, opina que “no podemos normalizar que se ponga en igualdad de condiciones el argumento de alguien que” behind lleva a toda la comunidad científicaaños de trabajo y Preparation, con alguien que ha leído algunas cosas o que, simplemente, tiene una comment”.
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