A study to expose pre-climate vulnerabilities: '20 million people turned'

A study to expose pre-climate vulnerabilities: '20 million people turned'

Francisco Cacho Discover what is produced in Valencia, not much today. Studies on human susceptibility que viven en la cuenca mediterránea. One of these studies presented at COP29 “señala que puede peligrar la casa de hasta”. 20 million people de aquí a finales de siglo”.

El meteorologo shows that Spain, junto con Grecia, es There are no weak zones in Europe. “Experts have no motivation demographic growthque siempre las zonas de costa la población crece mucho más que both inland and northern Europe“, explains Francisco.

Cacho expone que no solo corren peligro las casas, también Places of cultural interest It is installed in airports. “Three of the 20 airports most at risk for this type of flooding in the world are close to the Mediterranean,” he said. Francisco, added, que en los últimos años mediterraneo has the aumento el indexque ya es de casa tres millimeteros al año.