He is a journalist Fernando BerlinThe director of Radiocable.com analyzed the interview Alberto Núñez Feijoo en Espejo Público. “Say Feijóo that Carlos Mazon is there from the first moment, but what he does is metido four hours in the meal. Decir que ha estado implicado desde el primer momento, es como poco, dudoso“, confirms the journalist.
Igualmente assures Berlin that it is “blaming” that the leader of your party is blaming the Government of Spain for not having quit power and competence. No obstante, como strategia, “Entiendo que el esté poniendo en marcha el ventilador y que parezca que la culpa es de todos”.
Then, I have a thought that I admit to doing on days of tragedy Calf The journalist who devastated the province of Valencia points out that “es cierto que ante una emergency situations did not occur, a tragic situation arose.” “La falta de qualificación de todo el equipo de Mazón is a suitable address for a situation”, más ahora que la AEMET ha avisado de una nueva DANA para mañana miercoles. The hand videoWe podemos for a comprehensive analysis in Berlin.
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