Ferreras, sobre las excusas de Mazon: “There is no estuo in Saturno on October 29 in Valencia”

Ferreras, sobre las excusas de Mazon: “There is no estuo in Saturno on October 29 in Valencia”

President of the Community of Valencia, Carlos Mazon appeared before Las Corts explaining the leadership of DANA this Friday morning; y, en vez, de hacer autocrítica, ha advantage echar balones fuera y ask the system a question. He signaled “Se hizo lo mejor que se pudo con lo que había”.

Declarations to comment on Al Rojo Vivo, emergency center Hydrological warning in Barranco del Poyo at 12.20. Based on this, the mayors of the affected cities made a decision and asked them not to be brought to the banks of the rivers or to the valleys. The sin embargo came out to say that the Mazon warning had gone down on October 29 at 1:00 p.m.

“Regards I believe Mazon, who was 29, was in Saturno, not Valencia“, dice, blunt, Antonio García Ferreras; y added: “No estuvo in Valencia, ni en una comida, sino que estuvo en Saturno”. “There is no conscience in Valencia. cuando se va de comida y ya estaba Valencia inundándos“, points to the presenter of the program, who concluded his intervention by questioning the president of Valencia: “No hay quién se lo crea”.