In an interview with Conspiranoicos this Thursday, Iñigo Vela, Director of Emergencies of the Red Cross, refuted the lies spread about the humanitarian agency during DANA. Vela assured that the organization is “transparent” and fights against distortion.van and seguir trabajando“.
The emergency manager is a signal for “web page auditors”. “Transparency of the organization es uno de nuestros principales objetivos. Todo el mundo puede comprador lo que se dijo en redes y lo que está publicado y auditado en el portal de transparency,” he confirmed.
He says that if 90% of his money is spent on his employees, “they will not have the opportunity to do any kind of activity.” Likewise, he confirmed that his team reminds them that the best defense against lies is the work they do: “Llegar al mayor número de beneficiarios.” “Estamos durante la emergency and seguiremos”, Ha open Vela, incidiendo en que ellos tienen muchos años de history.
“La verdad es que nuestra implantation the area es muy amplia. Somos los primeros damnificados. “Hemos perdido seis sedes, que quedaron completamente destrozadas,” he added, adding that they were responsible for not stopping at DANA.
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