La Artificial intelligence It conquers more and more territories. This causes many people They are threatened by this technology Considering that there is a possibility that IA can induce them to be unemployed. So, ¿hasta qué punto esto es real? Pre-responder, Zapeando cuenta con Christina ArandaInteligencia Artificial language expert.
Quique Peinado, current sculpture studios 2,800 professions that may disappear. As Christina pointed out, the first ones to disappear are the ones that are more tedious and require a lot of management. Documentation For example, administratively.
Perhaps, la experts que hay show professions nunca las podra substitur una máquina como, for example, las que implican cuidado, las ads or humor. “Machines work hard contar un chiste “Pero lo que hacéis aquí es pure arte… les falta mucha calle”, Cristina explica que, a pesar de que se pueda pensar que claims. la IA is autonomous“someone decides what to do with this technology”.
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