La llamada de auxilio del alcalde de Alfafar: “No viene nadie, necesitamos ayuda por favor”

La llamada de auxilio del alcalde de Alfafar: “No viene nadie, necesitamos ayuda por favor”

La DANA se sigue cobrando vidas y las cifras pueden ir aumentante con el paso de las horas. Y conmo el de testimonios Juan Ramón Adsuara, alcalde de Alfafarit must be done. Local valencia or local valenciana pedido ayuda bir las institutes en Más Vale Tarde has any obstacle to enter, but it can stop for three days.

El alcalde de Alfafar described the “chaotic” situation of the region and asked for help: “Situación chaotic because we have two neighborhoods connected to Paiporta, the zero point. We haven't reached our neighborhoods yet, we don't know what we'll find. No emergency services are required. No one has come here yet. Hemos podido saber que hay fallecidos y caderas rotas, but no podemos can enter”.

Before help arrived, he assured Adsuara that they were trying to get in with the few tools they already had: “We will try to get in with the tractors we have organized and the volunteer nurses tonight. No viene nadie, necesitamos ayuda por favor. We are talking about people, we are 10 thousand families. Submission may be voluntary. There is no problem. Ni agua, ni luz y poquísima cobertura”.

In addition, while he emphasizes the help received by various volunteers, he asks for help from the Army: “You can get in and out here. Private volunteers bring bottled water, which we miss a lot. People help. Many agencies and emergency services.