It has been two weeks since storm DANA devastated the Community of Valencia, leaving citizens bewildered by severe flooding and the slowness and confusion of the autonomous government's response. From that fateful day Conspicuous by their absence were explanations from the president of the Generalitat Valenciana, Carlos Mazo.. There are conflicting versions of his actions in the first hours of the disaster.
The overnight storm was crucial, but Mazon remained off the radar for several hours, delaying the official warning, according to nearby sources. It took the president a day to retract his words from his teama message suggesting that the intensity of the time would decrease at 6 p.m., which was eventually removed to avoid confusion. The official response at 20:00, llegó tarde, which forces the Ministry of the Interior to remember that the authority of the warnings does not come from the central government, but from the autonomous government.
Las versions are sober el paradero de Mazón at these hours han sido same contradictions. Although there was talk of a private meal at first, the president flatly denied it, but it was confirmed that he had lunch with journalist Maribel Vilaplana that lasted until 6:00 p.m. Durante ese tiempo, fue localizable, lo que que que even aun más la percepción decoordinación.
After the crisis, the president, who at first appeared conciliatory, recorriendo las calles junto al Presidente del Gobierno y agradeciendo la visita de la UME, quickly changed his speech. In an interview just three days later Corregía su version sobre la participation de los bomberos y la UME. “¿Usted se imagina al jefe de Bomberos diciéndome a mí que mande a bomberos de Gandía? Es absurdo. Claro que estaba pedido, desde el principio. ¿Cómo va a depender del Presidente que un día pida 500, 600? lo puede ratificar cualquier mando del Ejército,” he confirmed.
The following days were also marked by continuous contradictions and explanations in the press without clear answers to the issues that concerned citizens. Mazón made visits to some of the most affected towns, such as Paiporta, but did not appear on his official agenda and did not respond to criticism from neighbors. It is insulting “killer”“incompetent” and “reckless” han sido comunes durante estos recorridos, where the president tried to maintain the type before the impotence of those who suffered from the consequences of the disaster.
La falta de transparency y las incoherencias han sido la tónica de estos días. During this time, Mazón offered only two institutional declarations without preguntasannunciator ayudas económicas limit themselves. Explanations were minimal and focused on autonomous television interventions. In his last speech, he exited CECOPI through the back door, avoiding further questions about the management of the crisis.
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