Pneumologist Olga Mediano warns of the risk of breathing in the air of Valencia: “There are symptoms of upper respiratory tract irritation.”

Pneumologist Olga Mediano warns of the risk of breathing in the air of Valencia: “There are symptoms of upper respiratory tract irritation.”

Kalima, the prolonged state of the anticyclone and the dust in the suspension of mud from DANA caused that Valencia has the worst air quality in Europe. For this reason, Olga Mediano, pulmonologist and coordinator of the Spanish Society of Pulmonology and Thoracic Surgery (SEPAR), warned about the main risks of air inhalation in this situation: “There are symptoms of upper airway irritation como la tos, picor de nariz or excesiva mucosidad, todo es consequencia del polvo en suspension”.

Likewise, he noted that the best way to keep dust out is with air suspension Uses FP2 mascara. According to the pneumologist, the operation will serve in what cases “Vamos a estar poco tiempo o en un un un ambiente que no esté muy contaminado”. In addition, it is recommended Cerrar todas las puertas y ventanas, así como colocar un paño humido en las rendijas por las que se pudiese collar el polvo y no realizar ejercicio al aire libre porque “ahí estamos inhalando todavía más”.

In the end, ha pedido Use extreme caution with sensitive individuals, children, asthmatics, and EPOC patients. Although Mediano was fully aware of the situation he was living there: “Of course, after everything that happened, you have to think that children cannot be open and sensitive people… But claro, nosotros tenemos que decirles cómo protegerse”.