Nuria Montes sees climate change as an “opportunity” for tourism… at what cost?

Nuria Montes sees climate change as an “opportunity” for tourism… at what cost?

Consellera de Innovation, Industria, Comercio y Turismo de la Comunidad Valenciana, Nuria Montes, declared last March that climate change could benefit the region's tourism sector. According to Montes, global warming is creating a “good climate” that reduces colder months and allows for a greater influx of visitors during seasons that were previously considered low. “Si algo bueno trae el cambio climática, es precisely la extensión de la temporada turística. El buen tiempo practically prevails, y los meses de frío se están reucciendo muchísimo, lo que que que amplía las temporadas turísticas en ambos extremos,” he said.

If possible, there is such a phenomenon “A definite opportunity” para desesacionalizar el turismo en Valencia, in his opinion, allows the region to strive to serve. “The Florida of Europe or the Canary Islands of the Continent”. Currently, with temperatures above normal nine out of twelve months of the year and water reaching 29 degrees, the coast of Valencia can offer a beach climate almost all year round.

It's nothing less than unobtrusive, less neat and more disturbing. Instead of a constant and mild climate, the Community of Valencia is experiencing more and more extreme weather events. Strong winds, torrential rains, loss of sand on beaches and damage to infrastructure Son solo algunos de los desafícios que trae consigo el cambio climática. These conditions have a negative impact on the visitor experience and have a direct impact on the tourism sector, which accounts for around 16% of the Community's GDP.

In addition, the economic consequences of these disasters are devastating. in the capital of Valencia, The turnover of the tourism sector has decreased 70% by 2024, y los lluvias torrentenciales and las DANA todávia se encuentra encuentra de will be effective for recovery. About competent los costos de reconstrucción ascienden a más de 31,000 million de euros, the amount demanded by the Generalitat from the Central Government to compensate for the damage.

If possible, you need a lot of time: ¿Are you really paying the “positive” cost of climate conditions? Porque, al analyzer los daños y pérdidas, el saldo parece negative.