Pedro ArcosAl Rojo, Director of the Emergency and Disaster Research Unit at the University of Oviedo, explains in vivo what we need to do to know how to act before an incident. Calf Like the one in Valencia that killed over 100 people. Una tragedy Without precedent in Spainen este siglos XXI.
“In the specific case of flash floods, like DANA, we need to do at least three things,” the professor said. Beginning, indica el expert, es la de Adequate water drainage infrastructure to expand them and to adapt to these increases in the intensity and volume of rainfall caused by climate change.
“It is likely that these infrastructures were developed based on non-uniform historical rainfall patterns, and this affects urban planning and land use, which must be taken into account in this reality of climate disasters,” he said. Arcos.
Second, it shows the importance Set up early warning systems a la población para dar avisos con suficiente tiempo de reacción. “In these fast-moving disasters, it is more appropriate to prioritize the evolution of any event,” he said.
Y por ultimo y en tercer lugar, tenemos que, agda el experto, “focus on prevention culture y preparation frente a desastres pero que esté basada en la la participation de las persons y de las communities”. video you can complete the intervention.
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