Javier Perez-Royocatedrático de Derecho Constitucional at the Universidad de Sevilla hace hincapié en la important de la prevention, en este caso ante una Calf In the announcement of the era of Valencia, more than 200 people may have a tragedy. “Prevention is the only way to escapeNo destruction of material is allowed, confirming professionalism with Al Rojo Vivo.
“Say rector de la University of Valencia “If the president of the Generalitat Valenciana had died, 10 or 15 people would have died and no one would have gone missing. Prevention is the most important thing and is where it “falls”.. Pérez Royo said, “I made a decision regarding Mazón se ría del rector of the University of Valencia for accepting the measures he took.”
Esta institución pública, ante los avisos que había AEMET -el verdi aviso rojo que estaba activo desde las 07:30h- decided to stop classes: “Mazón consideraba que esto no tenía ningún sentido. But the decision was made. [del rector] fue correcta y The president of the autonomy had to do it And we avoided the death of many people. The situation is a series of emergencies, but with less burden, because there would not be the number of deaths that occurred,” said the professor. videopodemos ver al all completo su intervention.
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