Pilar Velasco criticizes Mazo for handling alerts by DANA: “He didn't activate the protocol because he should have activated it”

Pilar Velasco criticizes Mazo for handling alerts by DANA: “He didn't activate the protocol because he should have activated it”

La catástrofe de lDANA sigue haciendo mella in Valencia. In total, the president announced the creation of “five pre-crisis emergency response teams” in his institutional statement. Journalist Pilar Velasco is responsible.

“Carlos Mazon made no comment. Carlos Mazón cannot activate any activation protocols because when notifications are sent from 7 am, the first notification will arrive at 8 pm, so the SMS did not reach the population. That is, Carlos Mazon did not activate a sufficient level of alert for the ministries to respond otherwise,” the journalist noted.

On the other hand, Velasco emphasized that the president of the Generalitat was late in questioning the military and the que. “Earn up to 5,000 more”. “Today, a late press conference is held, which creates cinco working groups with very confusing messages against the ministries, where even the counselor who said yesterday that his relatives did not come to identify the bodies of the missing persons and is waiting for a call from the court,” he concluded.