La queja de un vecino de conseguir las ayudas to solve the problem with La Palma: “La gestion del post volcán es donde están los problemas”

La queja de un vecino de conseguir las ayudas to solve the problem with La Palma: “La gestion del post volcán es donde están los problemas”

After the eruption of the volcano, residents of La Palma are trying to rebuild their lives with help from the administration. However, Joantxoneighbor of La Bombilla, Gonzo and Salvados need help to explain las difficulties..

“The serious problem is emergency management, but above all else el post volcano. There are problems. Los afectados do not have information about what will happen in the future and help. Aquí hay personas que han perdido todo”. Joantxo assures that the best thing about management is that “you have to shake window after window trying to understand the administrative language to try to rebuild your life”.

He adds that the big problem is that there are four different administrations that make it difficult to deliver aid: “There are four administrations and each one has its own history. No aid has come with the same intensity. There are people who have applied for help and still haven't received it. “There is no concentration problem for defenseless management”.